Tammy Swanson-Swanson

You want to hire models that are a healthier weight? In the words of Samantha Bee, “the fucking thing you have to do is just hire people” (who are a healthier weight).

I applaud her attitude, but dear Lord, do I hate these specific “dances.” I just... I just don’t get them.

...Now get off my lawn.

You’ll never get anywhere in the gymnastics game disrespecting your opponents like that. Doesn’t she know that kids are watching? They’re probably wondering if she knows she doesn’t look like a good role model to the youth of Tennessee. I miss the days of McKayla Maroney and her screw face. I don’t know, there was


That’s why she’s so lively an colorful.

Little known fact, Aubrey Plaza is half Hispanic.

The way Hae’s life and death were treated by the podcast and its fans remains bizarre to me. Whether or not you think Adnan is guilty, this girl is still dead and that death is still a tragedy.

God fucking damnit.

Everyone thinks they are the good guy with a gun...assholes

Holy fuck...but you know, having guns is the most important thing...

The grandfather had left the loaded gun on the nightstand not knowing his grandchildren were coming over that day, he said.

I’m over crochetty old white people talking shit about Beyoncé and Cam Newton this morning. Dear fellow white people:

Somehow I don’t think “respect for police officers” is the answer to the whole police officers shooting unarmed citizens problem we have in this country. It’s kind of hard to respect an institution that keeps shooting your family, friends, and neighbors in the back on a regular basis. That’s just me though. I could be


she can do whatever the fuck she wants!

Stacey Dash as “Ann Coulter dipped in butterscotch,”

Ann Coulter may be the human equivalent of a giant pile of horse shit but at least she can form a sentence. This Stacy Dash tweet is just pure word salad with a “dash” of #humblebrag about how skinny she is

I think it is swell how the folks who support these deportations are also the ones who tell me all of our country’s problems are because of the degradation of the “family” unit. Neat.

It kind of sucks that of all characters, Noah was the one who didn’t have an arc.
(I’ll show myself out, thanks.)