Tammy Swanson-Swanson

I actually like it more now because with the exception on Ryder and Goldberg you can see some early-ish acting from some staple actresses. Aside from Jolie, there’s Clea DuVall, Brittney Murphy (her scenes were always pretty sad making, more so now that she’s actually dead), Elizabeth Moss, that one girl who always

What genre is this? Is this like the time I watched “Closer” and thought that someone was going to get murdered at any moment?

It’s because people love et Saint Angelina shtick and think that because she’s earnest and serious about her refugee work, that’s going to translate into her films which are all super earnest and trying to tell some big story and have a big message but are really just exercises in making super inspirational and über

Girl Interrupted? Nah. She was just playing herself again.

Hot take alcohol percentage 1.32. She has always been a shit actor. Are we allowed to stop pretending that she’s not now?

I would have an opinion on the tampon, but I don’t really care what the box or packaging looks like. Just stop making scented ones, tampon companies. FFS.

...but as a man, you don’t GET to have one.

I mean considering the number of men I’ve known who thought tampons were clearly being used as little dildos, I wouldn’t put it past them to suggest the applicator be ribbed.

As a woman, I’m not sure I have an opinion on tampon package design.

man you need to watch some comedy.

Among New Yorkers, he’s probably the most common celebrity encounter that I know of. Every single person I know who’s had interactions with him paint a picture of an entirely down to earth, friendly, kind, approachable human being. He may have cheated on his wife, and that’s not cool, but I really wish people could

Joe Lo Truglio (of Brooklyn 99 and Wet Hot American Summer, among other things) once petted my dog and raved about how cute he was. In entirely related news, I love Joe Lo Truglio

One of my college roommates saw him in a play in Chicago with a high school group from a school with a string theater program. They were told they would nit be meeting the cast, but Ethan Hawke invited all 20 or so back stage, gave them a tour, talked about the rehersal process, the difference between doing movies and

He once complimented my dog* so he’s okay by me.

The minute Kesha puts out a new record, I’m going to buy ten copies and roll around in a pile of glitter.

it’s possible ethan hawke is an okay human?

Free Kesha!

I’m not the biggest Ke$ha fan (it hurt me to type her name like that), but I’m glad things are going in her favor. Dr. Luke seems like a gross piece of shit, and I hope Ke$ha (ugh) can release her music soon.