Tammy Swanson-Swanson

Honestly I think home schooled is too narcissistic and not bright enough to have made that burn intentionally. But as a 34-year-old who is trying very hard to get pregnant AND terrified about the spread of Zika, fuck that bitch.

Damn Kylie, that’s some burn. Kim and Kourtney are both in their 30's, having kids they’re apparently too old for. And wasn’t Kris in her 40s when she had Kylie?

Yeah, I just don’t remember. A bunch of the Logan-era episodes I only watched once just because Rory’s growing pains were so painful. I guess it all started around the time she slept with Dean, and then between Logan and dropping out and the estrangement with her mom, it was all just hard to watch.

I was watching an episode last night and I’d forgotten how absolutely beautiful she looked. So radiant! It was like happiness just beamed right out of her in every scene! 💖 Melissa and it won’t be a Gilmore Girls reunion if she isn’t in it somehow....

Team Jess 2.0 - fuck-up bad boys who like to read...and then get their shit together while working in a vaguely artsy field.

I’m Team Logan.

Ew, why? I kinda thought it was a truth universally acknowledged that nobody ever really liked Logan, and he only existed to serve a certain role in Rory’s development – you know, the lame college boyfriend. She was itching to rebel, and he facilitated that, and she stayed with him because he was there. And then he

Well, Dean was a good first boyfriend but he became too clingy and borderline stalkerish. He couldn’t keep up with Rory at an intellectual level and while he said he supported her-he was holding her back. Also, dumping her publicly just so he can hold on to some power over her was unforgivable.

For some strange reason, I JUST started watching this show about three weeks ago because I saw a clip and became fascinated with the way these sisters kind of move and exist. It’s like every smaller movement they make is to avoid messing their hair, nails, and make up, and every larger movement is restricted (and

[Kylie] wants to have both well before she turns 30 because she thinks that “30 is too old for children.

Yeah that jackson not getting a vasectomy and impregnating sookie again (when she didn’t want another kid) storyline really did not work for me. I was never a big Jackson fan but i loved those arguments they used to have! Also yes, no weight shaming! And Sookie’s chef jackets and outfits were so amazing!

Kudos to those brave women who dared to stand.

Oh man! I weirdly was never a huge fan of Jackson. But what I loved about that whole storyline is that Sookie’s weight/size was NEVER mentioned. They date, fall in love, get married, have kids, and there is literally never a discussion about her appearance. Pretty revolutionary in its own quiet way.

I know! Because if sookie isn't back, then there would be no jackson either which would mean no frenzied arguments about produce. Fix this, ASP and Netflix! Pleeeesease!

TEAM LOGAN!? I’ve never heard of anyone being on that team before...

I wouldn’t doubt that they contacted McCarthy’s agents, and they looked at the restart and scrubbed it before even presenting it to McCarthy though.

This really bums me out. Sookie was pretty much my favorite character, and I was so happy for Melissa when she hit it big. It would be amazing for her to do this for her early fans. If not, I will obviously still watch, but there’s gonna be a big hole in the revival, and in my heart. :(

I’m sure they’ll work it out. It sounds like a miscommunication.

“She’s really fucking busy” = “We didn’t even try because we can’t fucking afford her.”