From what I’ve heard, Travolta’s family are traditional European and being from the same culture, I feel as though coming out to Hollywood might not be his biggest concern.
From what I’ve heard, Travolta’s family are traditional European and being from the same culture, I feel as though coming out to Hollywood might not be his biggest concern.
Am I the only one who feels like he did this now mainly because she’s on the promotional trail for her new movie? It seems like he’s just trying to humiliate her.
This is really heartbreaking. I can’t find it in me to attack her or make a maudlin joke because it’s just incredibly sad.
I am simultaneously laughing at how ironic life is while being heartbroken for this poor, terrified woman who will probably never leave her home again.
I was under the impression that Cameron Diaz was already pretty open with her love of pot?
I didn’t realize people were endangering innocent bystanders by feeding their child!
MORE NAYA RIVERA PLEASE. She is a gem. An entertaining, terrifying, badass gem.
To be fair, they were only together for five months before they got married.
I feel sorry for anyone that didn’t pick up on this!
I disagree, it absolutely wasn’t traumatic for myself or anyone that I know.
Huey kind of reminds me of Tom Selleck; all studly and gentlemanly and really nice older man faces. I’m 24 and I would. Both.
I love Dru! I recently read though that she was only in 17 episodes of Buffy and Angel combined, and I think that’s incredible. To make so few appearances and have such an impact? That’s pretty incredible.
I didn’t read that as slut-shamey, more like ‘vaginas have weird wiring and work in mysterious and painful ways’
A gentle reminder that
Zhang Ziyi. She is so delicate looking, and yet so tough and strong and would absolutely rock this role. Not to mention how freaking talented she is.
This story has me in tears. How absolutely horrific for your great grandmother and your grandfather. The fact that people simply refuse to believe that the genocide never happened is incredible.
I will be very honest; sex work makes me uncomfortable, mostly due to the fact that sex trafficking and forced prostitution are such a huge problem (that so many people are unaware of).
Chyka. She’s as amazing in real life as in the show!
Shockingly not all Australians know each other!
She seems sweet! And she’s so cute and would fit in my pocket. And did you see her Celine Dion impression? WOW