
My knee-jerk reaction is to agree, because white “creative” spellings of already-established names ALSO make me cringe and auto-assume they’re white trash, but...the English language is always evolving. A creative spelling today may be the standard in a few decades.

...her lily-white hands are included in the after picture.

It’s a white guy profiting from the pain of Native Americans. That’s why it’s not appropriate. So in a way, yes, you’re right; it’s because he’s white, but that doesn’t mean it’s therefore an invalid reason.

I knew Macron’s wife looked rough, but man...this picture makes her look like she’s been doing some hard drugs for the past few decades. I realize she’s older, but many women age gracefully. She just looks...terrible. And I don’t feel bad saying that, because she met him when he was only 15 and she’s a disgusting

I think I’ve been aware that I’m dreaming quite often, lately, but I still seem unable to control the dream or certain aspects of what I do in it. For example, if I want to fly I can’t always do that. I’ve also noticed as soon as I’m aware, the dream feels a lot less real. But I can’t tell if I’m actually aware, or if

It looks like it’s still officially called Prospect St. We have a few like that in Detroit where there’s the official street name and an “in honor” sign right under.

So, it’s possible to form a woohoo club. Which is hilarious, so I naturally did that as soon as I realized it was possible. But they all just get jealous of each other anyway. I’m not sure if this is a bug or EA’s way of saying, “shame on you for trying to make a Woohoo club,” but it’s annoying.

Race is complicated in the USA. At various points in history, the Irish, Germans and Italians (as just three examples) had to “earn” their whiteness. The best summary I can give you is that it was in the upper class’ best interest back then to make poor white people (white by our standards) feel as though they had

To that point, there are a LOT of poor white people who see their own government assistance as completely different to what POC receive, even if it literally the same thing. It’s like conservatives who rationalize getting an abortion for their daughter (or themselves), but continue right on being pro-life because all

There’s one thing Magary and I agree on: no one wants to actually be a vampire. You know what’s unchill? Watching all your friends die as you suffer the twilight of unending youth.

By law in Germany, everyone gets 20 days. Some jobs (the better jobs, of course) offer even more time off.

I’ve missed out on about 3 vacations over the past 2 years because I don’t have nearly the amount of vacation time my husband has. He’s German, and on a German contract, so he still gets his full 30 days off per year (20 is required by law in Germany; he gets extra from his company). It would be ridiculous if he

I think you need a little help with your reading comprehension. The article makes it very clear that she’s blaming “only girl” syndrome on the patriarchy. The article makes it abundantly clear that this happens because men in the group are more than happy to replace the current girl with another, if she happens to be

Yep. Your average Trump voter’s ideals are in this order: 1) maintain the status quo of whites having way more privilege and power; 2) keep women of all races as oppressed as possible by limiting their reproductive rights; and 3) limit and/or roll back gay rights.

I’m mostly with you. I’d like to see a minimum wage that rises every year with the cost of living. I don’t care if it means High School kids working part time will be making more money; college is expensive and it’s weird that so many conservative people think that being in school means you should be always close to

I can’t agree that Trump voters don’t believe or want what he says he will do. I do think that they see America as “fallen,” but they’re still in the “take it back” mindset where they think they can reverse the “damage” they imagine has been done to the country.

Surprisingly, he seems to be less of one (or is now perceived to be less of one) than he was a few years ago. It’s like once you’ve put out a song like “Sorry,” people forget you’re a scumbag and your entire family is full of animal abusers! Weird!

No, his job needs to be forced to pay him a living wage.

Gum has become the unofficial mascot of the Republican party. It is the one unifying factor in an otherwise fractured, flailing faction.

I definitely agree that the DNC is making a LOT of mistakes, just not the same mistakes you think they’re making. Which I suppose is yet ANOTHER problem with liberalism (at least in the USA); we can’t seem to come together as a united front, unlike conservatives.