
I see what you mean, but I also think it’s possible to not make a social media picture about yourself. You can take pictures of the crowd and signs while leaving yourself out. You can write about something happening while not using it as an opportunity to humble brag about how easy it is being white, like this young

Have you tried a dating site? It’s easier to weed out the women that want kids.

The best she’s looked ever, actually. Her makeup is even acceptable-ish for what she she has to work with.

If you post on social media, don’t make it about yourself. If you attend a protest, don’t take pictures of yourself attending so you can show it off. Take criticism you’re offered instead of becoming automatically defensive. Basically, be vocal and attend protests/marches, but don’t turn it into an opportunity for

I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if airlines responded to these incidents by finding a way to not allow recording devices onto planes, rather than fixing their policies.

I hated King of the Hill when I was in my teens, but in my early 20's I gave it another shot while it was on Adult Swim. At first it was just background noise, but then I started to actually pay attention. That show was So. Fucking. GOOD. And you’re right, it did a really good job of displaying the characters as

I mean, I know a sitcom is going to be simplistic, but holy shit does that make my blood boil. Sitcoms need to stay in their own lane and not touch complicated issues like homelessness. ESPECIALLY in a single episode and in such a stereotypical way.

Yep. This is on all the people who voted 3rd party or (worse) didn’t vote at all. The rotting human garbage piles that voted for Trump were always going to vote for Trump. I don’t give a fuck what people say about people who voted for Trump this time who voted for Obama last time; it’s not their “get out of racism

I think they never got the memo that Glee stopped being popular after the first season.

lmao I am also watching it without sound and it is just painful but I can’t look away.

Thank you for giving me a name for that! I fucking hate it when singers do that shit and now I have something to call it. “Emotion hands.” Lovely. It’s like spirit fingers.

They’re obnoxious. Just like Lindsey Stirling. Though at least I’ve never read anything about them being assholes to their fans and underlings, like Lindsey allegedly is.

The blond one looks like a younger, thinner Jim Gaffigan.

I love Eurovison. It’s such delightful garbage.

By the time this has a chance of passing, the country will probably be liberal (by today’s American standards) anyway.

omg thanks for sharing that. This is just unreal.

Every time I see this poor little boy’s face I tear up. That school is absolutely responsible and I hope the parents of the children who beat him up are also held accountable to a degree. This is disgusting.

Conservative women hate other women. They hate women of color MORE, but they will still throw a fellow white woman under the bus. They are all whatever the old lady equivalent (even when they’re young, because conservatives are never REALLY young) of trying desperately to be the “cool girl” who “isn’t like all those

I hope she sues that school into oblivion.

On right now. It’s developing, so you can’t click on it just yet, but oh man; he is desperate. This is just like his “doctor” giving a “clean bill of health;” how stupid do you have to be to not realize that NO ONE is going to believe your lawyer about your tax returns?