Echo's Despair

Of course the best part of this is republicans have no idea what products coke owns outside of coke. Over on brietbart they were switching to other brands owned by coke... 

No they actually can’t. It’s tough to admit you were scammed. We see this on the left too. I voted for Nader. It took a long time before I could admit to myself he fooled me and years before I could admit it out loud.

Yes, most likely a nearly lifelong string of them due to untreated mental health issues, probably compounded by CTE from undiagnosed concussions from his football days, compounded by simply being black in America and fed by NoI bullshit propaganda that preys on exactly this kind of lost soul.

So an unarmed untrained citizen can hold an armed man who is trying to open fire for 10 minutes without anyone getting hurt but an armed trained cop somehow can’t restrain an unarmed non aggressive man without killing him?

I disagree. I have long thought that some faction of BLM (or other activists) and the media should have focused on painting police murder as a violation of our Constitutional right to life. All articles and protest signs should say: Americans do not authorize nor pay police to murder citizens suspected of crime where

I am so sure that a bunch of white churches are going to march over this.

My favorite comment is from the dude who, I guess, is trying to sound reasonable: “I wonder how you’d feel about conservative books being sent to all the libraries.”

Weird thing about hypocrites: they are not self aware.

I would modify your comment above from “there are certain educators who have no business teaching Black children” to “there are certain educators who have no business teaching. Period.”

While especially damaging to Black children, some educators have no business teaching any children. We don't want white children learning to act like.

Yet America somehow practices that as “Do unto others BEFORE they do unto you.”

The Bible should’ve been one page and began with “Do unto others” and ended with “as you would have them do unto you.”

Nah, boomers just learned that communism was “bad” and that’s all they needed to know. Not for them the nuances of Marxist theory or the specific deficiencies of Maoism or Stalinism. It was all just “evil” and “the work of Satan.” God’s a capitalist, dontcha know?

Just so we’re clear for this woman, I think we can all pretty much agree that we also want to rename all high schools named for any African tribal chiefs who sold slaves, right? It’s only fair. Lemme get that list . . . oh, huh.

AND do better.

Someone took the phrase “Fuck racists” a bit too literally.

Well, yeah. I mean... are you expecting them NOT to be hypocrites?

38,000 gun deaths a year in the U.S. and the Republican response is a swift shrug of the shoulders.

So another white man “having a bad day” kills ten but hey terrified migrants at the border are the issue. Really looking forward to the trolls that have now popped up here telling me how violent black folks are after another one of their own gunned down multiple people. Oh how about the nut in Texas that tried to kill

“Ends Confusing/Crazy Math,” like what? Do you want to just teach kids what the most uneducated parents know? Is this a push to drop algebra or something? (hot take: algebra is not hard, people just make you afraid of it or don’t teach it well.)