
Iggy isn’t even relevant in a video about being cheated on by her fiancé. Poor thing.

That’s my concern. “Goddamn it, Ugly Janet got her kidney cut out in Chechnya. Again. We really need to warn people about this.”

Now I’m confused because Europe uses the metric system; maybe I’m only a 6 in America, but it converts to a 10 overseas?

It's kinda odd that someone finally gets in trouble for sending an unsolicited dick pic and it's a woman, huh?

I know aborting fetuses because of a diagnosis of Down’s is very controversial, which is why it’s specified in this bill. But what about other far more severe disabilities? The kind of conditions that cause a child to lead a short and painful life? (Tay-Sachs is one that comes immediately to mind.) These technically

So basically we get around this by just having an abortion and not saying why.

Her father always had parental rights; she was never their child. She was never adoptable.

That’s how the facebook statement reads to me too, as though she is property and they are exploiting the imagery of a crying little girl to get what they feel is theirs back. She belongs with her father’s relatives and they should not have obstructed that process.

She is not a toy, she is human.

Yet again illustrating how anyone who uses the phrase “paid by with your tax dollars” sounds like an asshole.

Rly tho I’m onto you Mitchy

I think once you take a single cent of public money, you void your right to cry about you religious views. Take government money, follow the law.

Maybe these religious organizations should start paying some taxes before they think they can decide what is and isn’t covered by health care.

Yep, I’m currently miscarrying (as in, still bleeding from my chemically-induced miscarriage. It’s been a fun week at work) because at 6 weeks there was no heartbeat and the fetus stopped growing. We’re disappointed, but we know that healthy pregnancies don’t miscarry. I had very high hormone levels, which is

One of my dearest friends was saddled with this mother in law who was constantly on her back about fulfilling her covenant with god by creating life with in her womb (this was how the woman talked. She was dreadful 24/7) My friend was putting away the groceries one day and MIL picked up a box of tampons and called

Screw these guys.

Indiana is where the KKK got its start. I’m not surprised.

Somewhere there is a curator seeing that picture of Liv and suppressing the urge to yell at her for touching the art.

I demand that everybody stop having children altogether. Children are gross.

My grandfather owns a couple of rifles that he uses for hunting (which I hate but whatever) but he always keeps his guns in a safe. Even though all the grandchildren are adults, he still keeps it in a fucking safe. Because that is the logical thing to do, since it is a fucking gun. He’s also a Jon Stewart loving man