
One that's hard for me to explain for people who aren't into D&D/Pathfinder is Critical Role, a youtube show where voice actors play D&D. It's hard even for people who are into that stuff because a typical show is approx 3 hours long, which admittedly is a real time sync.

Linkin Park (and in particular Hybrid Theory) are such an essential part of my high school memories that anytime I hear a song from that album its an immediate blast of nostalgia. I haven't listened to Linkin Park in a long time but hearing this news was like hearing that an old friend passed away.

I'm kind of hoping someday they make it into an animated tv show, something like the last airbender. I think that would allow them to do all the crazy action stuff without… you know.. actual animals.

I remember seeing the first three books all over the place in bookstores when I was 12-13. My other favorite YA series, Animorphs and Everworld, had wrapped up not soon before, and I was kind of bummed out that it was done, and was trying to find something new to interest me.

The main problem I have with enforced "our love is meant to be!" story lines is that inevitably one or both characters will end up having a greater chemistry or connection with one of the other cast instead of each other. This makes any love story between the two of them seem ham-fisted and forced when the audience…

God, even seeing Judy's face on the clip for Sleepaway Camp, without even watching any of it makes me hate her all over again.

I have a real soft spot for the Challenge, and the majority of it comes from Diem/CT. There was nothing showmance about them, you could tell that they legitimately cared for one another, whether they were together or not.