When you pay with card but tip in cash, it’s a good idea to write in “cash” on the receipt where you’d write in the tip amount. Don’t most people do this?!?! Also a good idea to give the cash with the signed receipt.
When you pay with card but tip in cash, it’s a good idea to write in “cash” on the receipt where you’d write in the tip amount. Don’t most people do this?!?! Also a good idea to give the cash with the signed receipt.
TBH I really don’t see the point in doxxing her, especially when she is planning to write a memoir? I feel like the author has a chip on his shoulder from the last story he wrote about her, which was ridiculously judgmental and harsh about her hustling lifestyle...which is sort of *her thing.* Also: another place for…
It is! She worked so hard to be a legend and she’s harmless and fun! Just let her be Angelyne!
Not sure about “beat-up.” The one thing she’s always had was a new Corvette. She currently has a new model (C7) (I see her once every couple of weeks):
I have bought her tshirts out of the back of that car on more than one occasion.
I saw her last week on Sunset blvd and at this point, still in her timeless Angelyne drag, she looks exactly like the 21st century Baby Jane Hudson.
OMG, I LOVE ANGELYNE. I lived on Sunset Blvd. for a few years and sighting her pink corvette cruising up the strip with her manicured hand waving out the window was always delightful. I don’t care where she comes from; she’s like the cat-guy or the weird inscriptions on the INN-N-OUT cups. She made herself into an…
She bought billboards of herself! She is fascinating.
I think it’s pretty clear that her “true identity” is Angelyne. It’s not like she’s Batman living a double life. She is Angelyne and Angelyne is her. What purpose does this kind of digging serve?
I just called the ICE number to fuck with those un-American pissants, and was informed by recorded message that all lines are down.
Everyone should call in pretending to live in the Los Angeles in Alien Nation, report “newcomer” crimes against them, ransacking their houses in search of spoiled milk. It might take the operators a while to catch on and waste more of their time.
Right after she died all the headlines said she was muslim, but the local NY news clarified that while her husband was muslim, She never identified her self as such. At first I thought, this is just another case of people judging by the name etc. Then I saw the family suicide news, and thought, how sad, that poor…
What the actual fuck?!?
You know what’s insane?
The amount of projection from right wingnuts is so excruciatingly painful. The reason they won’t take any of this seriously is because they KNOW they were losing their shit over Obama for no damn reason so they think it is the same now.
the democrats should never stop talking about class war and economics they have branded and abandoned by calling it populism. identity politics is populism. economic redistribution actually helps businesss and elites too, so broken and self-defeating is the system of trickle down vs trickle down light, that…
I’m sure there’s a special place in hell for me for saying this, but my take on Chelsea Clinton is she’s expensively educated, not that bright, and has zero charisma. PLEASE can we be done with the Clintons now??? And with dynastic politics in general? I feel like a sad little liberal fish in the bottom of a…
“That is why the Democrats must change. And that change must be a leftward push towards economic equality, social equality”
The whole Democratic party is ‘celebrity’ They are not the champion of the little people. They are the high horse rich,entitled and sometime famous people can sit high upon, thumbing their nose at our Country and making every non believer feel bad about themselves. Like all those idiot celebrities who hate guns but…
As soon as I heard about Oprah I went NOOOOOO. I have friends who are also gleefully talking about Chelsea Clinton and Caroline Kennedy and how great it could be and I thought, No way. Didn’t we learn a lesson? Voters are exhausted with the Clintons and all their baggage and though Caroline Kennedy seems pretty much…