Jessica Neema

The Mist is like a schizophrenic's stupid dream, no one understands anything and all the characters act like the sims.

This episode was so pathetic, it was boring, and filled with such heavy dialogue that wasn't even interesting. The whole gay romance..the family drama. I haven't felt this bored and annoyed with a tv show than watching desperate housewives.

This was a pathetic episode, the horror moments were shoe horned in, and the actors reactions was pathetic. The whole rape episode was awful. and I hate how some people start accusations and others ignore it. Like have a decent behavior for them.

No, i think they are putting that role on the hippy lady. I did love the Marcia character, she was so good as a religious nut. She added another level of danger, I think they decided to go with the wiccan or whatever route with the episode 3

Nooo, too bad..Anyway, we can just discuss it if you want.

I want to make funny recaps for the mess of this show, anyone want to help.

Yes, I think they don't know what to do with the character, write her as a badass, a strict disciplinarian..a modern woman, her character is all over the place. It doesn't help the actress sucks.

Yes, it was disgusting. Did no one think about how a mature teacher would act?

Yes, the movie dad practically was the star, this dad had one facial expression and is neutered. Yes, I don't want this family, even the raped girl is a retard..

I agree, but not on the rushed part..some actions are spur of the moment. Thanks, I just got this feelings of hopelessness when I aw the ending and further despair. It was new for me..

Think of if there was a shooting in a club, if you heard the shots, and the screams, you would beleive that there is trouble and work together to escape.

It was meant to show how their option was wrong and too quick..I guess, maybe it is nonsense but how else would they make the deaths sadder than with that quick reveal. I think it was meant to be a bad experience, it was a horor movie.

Being practical is not racist, and looking for your own country is not racist..Every person is racist..If you can give me one group that is not pure racist..I will support you..

I think not, I think they set up to be plenty of deaths, and things like zombies, so maybe the mother will sacrifice, the teen will do something stupid. And Adrian will act like a moron..and the druggie is definitely surviving.

Yes, I agree with that.

Misery was fantastic, Pet emetary creepy as hell. and adored Carrie.. I like his endings, because once the story is gone, I don't think about it anymore.

Yes, but the characters felt hopeless, they felt their lives would end. You can see as their expressions as they realize they have no option left. Maybe yes, they could have planned something…but maybe they were just tired of fighting against monsters. These are humans, and part of the human experience is them losing…

Actually that was one of the smarter moves, if they both beleive they are in danger, they won't do anything. Strength in numbers.

I think the way she shames the boy by admitting in public he watches porn is awful..She humiliated an innocent bystander, and sold the trope that unless a boy is monitored he will be lead astray. It was so hypocritical.
