
They're gonna give me my own Pearl!

I rewatched this ep last night and would really love a scene of the CG's sitting down and trying to hash out WTF lion is. It has to have happened, right?

Take that, Moral Orel.

"I can't believe we've been caught. And by none other than Jasper! I'm so cross over this."

I thought Steven and Amethyst were going to fuse and I'm still vibrating from the anticipation.

I love that trope-ish thing of a nice person suddenly hating someone for unclear reasons.

That is where your search should have started.

I'm giving you a slit eyed, slow clap for that Black Books comment.

No they won't. Everyone forgets poor ole' Tom.

She's someone who looks exactly like her name sounds.

[narrows eyes]

One of the shelves in Prince Gumball's room displayed a book titled BUNS. While I'm sure it could be a ledger containing the family trees of various Buns (cinnamon, honey)…..

Shapiro seemed to indicate that he would sell the necklace to pay off Veronica's debts.

I finally got fed up with not being able to place Veronica's voice, so I looked her up and discovered Mary McDonald-Lewis is also the voice of OnStar! Way to be both utilitarian and super sexy, MML.

Loved Mallory's hair, though.

Of course, in Bob's fantasy of being released from the bowl, the first person he high-fives is Marshmallow, his freedom muse.


- How's Ron?
- He's great. How's nobody?

- Go to bed, Gene.
- I am in bed, I'm just hungry!

"We can't just leave a bird covered in oil on the ground."
"When did we make that rule?"