6/10, hat needs to extend more into face.
6/10, hat needs to extend more into face.
Con as old as time,
OH GOD THIS IS HAPPENING -> Get a grip, you need to face reality -> WAIT, I’M NORMALIZING THIS -> Oh god this is really happening...
Anyone else find themselves constantly doing that thing where you start a rant, decide you need to stop because you’re going to make yourself sick/have a rage stroke, and then 10 seconds later start up again because you just can’t stop?
I hate myself rn
National Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
am I crazy, or is that Rashida Jones at 3:13?
It’s time the streaming world is exposed to this gem:
So we’re really gonna do this, huh? This is actually happening? And how do I know I’m not in a coma somewhere hallucinating all this?
Buzzfeed, Teen Vogue & Cosmo are hard hitting journalistic outlets now. Let that sink in.
I just cannot believe I’m sitting here cheering for BuzzFeed, which I could have sworn just yesterday was a blog for cat videos and jokes about how hard “adulting” is.
I don’t know but I want to rescue her!
I have to confess, when I saw the words “inside job”, I immediately suspected they had nailed Kris.
In other Dirt Bag-y news - as a believer in a balanced universe, the entirety of creation owes it to us to make this happen:
There is definitely something to be said for men and women who aren’t “classically beautiful”.
I know, it’s like, here come a zillion commenters to assure us how insufferable this show is etc etc etc, but I thought the last season was actually very good. The episodes were like little, beautifully shot mini-movies.
I saw “La La Land” about 24 hours ago and have steadily grown angrier/more irritated the more I think about it. It really made no sense, but not in a fun, whimsical way. More in a too many plot holes and bizarre character motivations way. And the songs were mostly boring.