
Don’t forget about San Antonio! We’ll bring the breakfast tacos and Pop!!

I fucking hate my state so damn much in moments like this.

Well, this was certainly a move in the right direction ;)

And if you are a POC and you talk about racism sometimes people call you racist.

“Me and the little Lannister”

I changed my status to “It’s Complicated” once on a dare and people lost.their.minds.

I accumulated over 3000 VIB points in 2016.

“But it’s amazingly gratifying to see how injured men are when you do it.”

“...But this is a lie.” Yes, yes, yes it is. Because as Germaine Greer put it, women have no idea how much men hate us. They lie to us about it all the damn time, so that we might believe them and trust them and take care of them and feed them and fuck them and look nice for them. All the while they keep their boots

This was amazing. Thank you for writing!

That explains President Obama’s final press conference the other day.

Yeah. it’s the envy that’s hard. it really comes down to — why does that asshole get good things (that I want) and I don’t?

Are you me?? My friends always tell me I’m just too picky and I’m like okay tell me which one of the guys I’ve seen in the past 4 years I should be dating.

How to be perfectly unhappy

My aunt is single, never been married, has no kids, and took early retirement. She now draws her pension and also teaches kids with learning difficulties part time. She travels with her friends or alone (she has a youth hostel card and makes use of it!), dyes her hair mad colours and goes to shows/conventions for

Now playing

AT&T :) These were genius and totally responsible for my continued crush on Beck Bennett (he’d be a great Daily Show correspondent, too). I’m so glad he found his character on SNL in Putin.