
“Yes go ahead, but hurry. I have an ultimate frisbee match to attend.”

“If everybody complained that they were sexually abused...contracts would be broken all the time”

That crinkling sound was him opening the crackers, which he then PUT DOWN ON THE FLOOR.

I don’t agree. I think her point was, “Hey, if you’re going to talk smack about me and my kid, I can say some pretty personal things about you too, and you’re not going to like it.” But this is a POV that deserves to be seen.

People sleep with people for gigs, raises, whatnot. That seems far more compromising than dancing naked for a job. Yet it’s all fun and pink unicorns.

Ciara already tried a Future upgrade; it didn’t take.

This is perfection. I am so, SO glad people are starting to question Kanye on his issues with women. He throws around sexuality-based insults like his wife isn’t famous because of porn.

So I’m going to quote Mary Elizabeth Williams over at Salon....she says (to Kayne) “And seriously, man, if you have issues with women who use their sexuality to advance their careers, you sure picked an interesting family to marry into.” found here

This is simplistic, no doubt, but she’s still right about the value of letting go of other people’s judgments. And I really like what she said in another Time piece that they link to in this one:

Kanye probably thought she would disappear from the limelight after they broke up. Not a chance.