Jessica Hinch

Hot Take: a "hot take" is not an expression of how you feel about something in the exact same way people have been doing it for a very long time. "Hot Takes" should describe opinions made as a result of impatience and having the means to voice your views too conveniently available. I hate "hot take".

I've gotten over the tattoos. I think they're going for a more gangster and henchman heavy Joker. He's like one of the gangsters in Sin Nombre who wears his identity on his sleeve, literally. I'm not as disgusted by it as I was when they first revealed him.

At least not until Trump is elected.

Thank you!

I thought the "dark knight" in the trailer was The Joker wearing a batman suit as a gag. Didn't cross my mind they actually got Affleck in this. Is that confirmed?

It had some good moments. The monologue in the church for one.

And she took him to task by taking him to task by bringing his race into it… She may qualify of moderately progressive in the 90s but we need a candidate who qualifies as a true progressive in 2016. Old school leftists be damned. Younger generations know what matters and how to push social

And that's great. They should be enthusiastic and keep that enthusiasm burning for as long as possible while the most of the media at large tried to write him off. It may annoy certain people but getting his image out there matters right now. The Pope invited him to the Vatican! He's a wonderful human being. Sorry for

The logarithm is based on your browsing habits.

When you say garbage you're referring to her political record and her husband right?

Oh god, the manufactured "Bernie Bros" narrative.

But the comment I responded to is about what I responded to it about.

Plenty of "rational people" also show their support by electing and voting on those politicians who have foreign policy records that show they supported ugly conflicts and regimes that engaged in the deaths of thousands of innocents and the assassination of activist figures in other nations. Our November elections

America and the world aren't great places.

It's not shaming. Obesity relates to health issues. Don't make fun of the appearance of a person. Don't try to hurt someone's self esteem. Don't be an asshole about it. But don't act like your body is being done a favor if you don't treat it well. Obesity isn't a gift.

The talk about her being empowering in the article feels like it comes from a place of emotional vulnerability that has you looking for sources of empowerment from awful places. Like somebody stuck in a rut could find inspiration in Dianetics. You are spot on about what she represents and the real Lena is a, to borrow

@avclub-92c9b96871c64bbb5fc1913d3aec11b5:disqus and @avclub-fec1b8d3fbc08f27a84e5a334d45bb5a:disqus and @SaoMagnifico:disqus are those people. Claiming that being a Sanders supporter means you're disingenuous conspiracy nut with a protest vote and you have Trump as your second choice. It's garbage like that. Writing