No. The constant shaming against being pro-Bernie happening on this site is depressing and gross behavior.
No. The constant shaming against being pro-Bernie happening on this site is depressing and gross behavior.
Yell at the clouds some more. Leave it to the younger generation to yell for a change in your active participation in leaving us with a terrible climate and making the world a better place for people of color and members of the lgbtq community. Revolution is building over the decay you represent.
Only if being the garbage version of the actual… is your gimmick.
You're just a cynical piece of shit trying to make @TheSingulatarian:disqus and others like him/her who believe in someone with optimism feel bad. There is no reason not to hold out hope for Bernie while the primaries are ongoing. It doesn't hurt anybody. If you've been to one of his rallies it is full of people who…
Doesn't change the fact that he has been more progressive than a Clinton in every step of his career. Registering your party affiliation doesn't mean shit. Being progressive and preaching progressiveness does.
Oh my fucking god. Your the one who is supporting the war hawk whose past is full of garbage things like……
Swimming Pool
I hope Horace and Pete doesn't peter out as a series people forget about since it ended. I think of it as a masterpiece series that understands the most how sad and hard to fix the world is right now on a people level and should be understood as maybe the most important series to perhaps be released this year. It…
Bernie's idealism and the message he preaches getting out there and
changing the ways or pushing those thousands of people who as a result
of hearing him speak into becoming more progressively informed and
motivated to be active in their political process is a second coming. It
comes in waves like the one Sanders has…
Well I'm angry and worried about a world where the candidate who offers the only light in a world of Trump being popular might be the light that goes out. Excuse me for being less than rational when I want a future for myself and everyone I love to be OK.
I follow some shows. Horace and Pete, BCS, Crazy Ex GF. If you haven't watched Horace and Pete yet then you honestly should. It feels like masterpiece television that understands the most how sad and hard to fix the world is right now on a people level. Please watch Horace and Pete.
Without executive powers or inspiring millennials and EVERYBODY to vote during MIDTERMS it is hard to solve those issues. You expect one passionate senator to win that uphill battle when going against other establishment politicians who are vetoing the bills that help us? The activists who have endorsed him know all…
I have seen enough of Powerthirteen's swipes at the issues Bernie addresses and defenses towards Clinton to know where he stands on this issue.
Notice that no other politician in the limelight has devoted a career to class consciousness as sufficiently as Bernie and that class conciousness and knowing the economic effects of policies in communities is perhaps the most crucial piece of the puzzle when dealing with the issues that affect people of color. He…
Except when he was arrested for noticing those and taking affirmative action to protest those issues like any responsible citizen in the 60's. Before he even was a politician.
"people like you"
Trolls are racist, conservative, and frequent communities like Breitbart. I'm defending a viewpoint that is the antithesis to all three of those qualities. Private accounts mean people like you don't get to follow me.
They have a special word to describe democrats that do vote for bills like that: Neocons.
I think it's safe to say you don't care about issues that affect the planet or anybody who is brown or has good reason to feel disenfranchised with the world they were given and are expected to vote for it to remain that way.
"Ugh could activists and progressives be less livid about the way things are currently allowing for the marginalization against the lower classes and underprivileged? It's making my status quo hard to swallow."