Actually, Bernie has been livid about the Panama Free Trade Agreement since the beginning while Hilary was pushing for it. ://……
Actually, Bernie has been livid about the Panama Free Trade Agreement since the beginning while Hilary was pushing for it. ://……
They should probably conclude the original series before they remake it.
The system in place allows for systematic marginalization of the working class, women, and people of color. Marx is a necessary figure in finding a solution to this system.
If you're a white guy making a comfortable living as a writer then of course capitalism has been pretty good to you and class consciousness is easy to do without.
and Donald Trump is NO TRUE CAPITALIST!
Maria from Fritz Lang's Metropolis because she's the actual hero of the story instead of a tired reflection of red scare cinema in America.
Jesus would have agreed with much of Marx's points.
Reminder that the communist party of the soviet union only promoted Marxist values prior to rise of Stalin and that those communist who stood by him actually stood by tyranny and were not intellectually communists in any sense. What makes Mike Vago's entry here so disgusting is the complete ignorance to this fact and…
Not stooping to their level and going negative in a way that takes the spotlight off of the issues that face us the creed Bernie Sanders has been basing his platform on. Trump is a spectacle who only profits off of turning us into the type of negative society with ugly ways of speaking and perceiving politics that…
Exactly this and exactly why it infuriates me that so many liberals like in this Trumpdate comment are so invested in who wins the GOP nominee when it matters even more who is on the ballot for the democratic ticket. When the GOP debates are up there are long threads jostling about what happened but the Democratic…
Remaining an old school democrat over the age of 30 with poor access to the internet is not something you want to keep up.
I agree. Breaking your show's silence to incite a movement to call him a name you construe as an insult is a weak gag. It isn't empowering if you dislike what he stands for and it isn't convincing if you already support him. It's just pointless namecalling.
Try taking a look at her Twitter. She's another modern pop writer whose entire identity is defined by herTwitter handle, providing hot takes for her followers, and what's trending in her tiny bubble. I bet she keeps a TVtropes tab open at all times when she writes up episode summaries.
Oh give me a break. "YMMV", "Problematic", and completely misreading a scene like a first year sociology student? Teti sure knows how to pick them. What did you submit your Twitter as a resume?
I wasn't trying to attack him or her for it. Iliza's appearances on things is just one of the most annoying things.
I think Illana might be a touch too into weed. I tried following her on Twitter for a week and her tweets are like reading a millennial having an emoji stroke. Plus this happened…
Schlesinger is a very hacky antifeminist and her stand up is an insult to women. If you actually have heard her on a podcast like WTF or Hollywood Handbook you would discover how horrible she is.
Yes I seriously think that, sister. His Judaism hasn't been a problem so far and he will still take the same blue states any democrat has taken. Cruz states where evangelicalism means anything are iffy if Trump is the candidate. Either way Bernie has changed the way America looks at Socialism as a cringe word, despite…
Except that is a fucking wrong and baseless claim.………
I'm sorry I told you to go to hell. Getting into the Sanders lifestyle of canvassing and becoming more politically active has been empowering for me and the others I have met in my state going to bat for him. Everybody is trying so hard to make it happen so for me the pessimism feels sad to see. I'm happy he and his…