Jessica Hinch

I see you and a lot of members here constantly dumping on those who believe in and stand by Bernie because apparently there is something wrong with being so compelled with a progressive candidate who speaks for the people who have for so long been put down in this nation, including people of color, the environment,

Billy Madison had snack packs.

They have an amazing ability to deflect and apologize on behalf of their candidate no matter how many terrible things from her political career are thrown at them. The latest thing to ignore about her legacy after her "misspeaking" at Nancy Reagan's funeral is……

I know you're making fun of the idea that his supporters complain the media doesn't cover him but actually denying that they haven't been covering him is just wrong. There's been a blackout from most major pundits and news outlets which sucks because for a lot of Americans that's where they get their impressions of

And if you think seeing everything through a "class lens" or class divides then you obviously haven't been paying any attention for the last several centuries of development in the first world. The correlation between class and all other forms of prejudice and political motivation make society function the way it does

Using your Facebook feed as your barometer for tracing a larger sociological landscape really is isn't a very good strategy. You can always unfollow people that annoy you. Obama had annoying supporters back then as well. Discrediting the campaign over how much your Facebook feed annoys you is plain dumb.

I don't know about you but I'm really not quite ready for the only candidate who makes me feel like my life matters to drop out. Especially when he has leads in the race tomorrow and is still the only candidate that is projected to beat Trump in November with a double digit lead. Maybe it's because your future isn't

awaiting approval

Except the "Bernie Bros" strawman narrative is a construct established by the Clinton campaign and her supporters as another empty way to attack anyone who stands by him. You stand by the candidate who supported a regime that resulted in the assassination of political activist Berta Cáceres and whose foreign policy

Have you ever made it out to one of his rallies? Listened to him speak in person? He means everything he says when he inspires the young and old alike with his message of actually giving a shit about marginalized people and promoting ideals that no special interests told him to take issue with. He has been honest for d