Jessica Ellis

Now, my first thought was Sigurson, of "sherlock Holmes'Smarter Brother" fame. That would be awesome.

I definitely think Mary/Francis have better chemistry, but I'M more attracted to Bash, so- make with the vicarious make out scenes already!!

Oh my god, yes. There are countries and lives at stake, and that stupid brat is like "why is no one thinking about meeee?"

Oh, totally. The styles aren't even trying to be period. But leather as a material does actually work.

No, leather jackets aren't really anachronistic, particularly for the upper class. It was one of the more common materials of the day.

Yes, by all means, let's talk about faithfulness to literature on a forum for Sleepy Hollow. It was so forward thinking of Washington Irving to set his short story in 2013, and give the headless horseman a gun.

I was a little disappointed with the "three month voyage" line, because I was so hoping Abbie would then explain airplanes to him.

also the way he said "smart phone," making it two distinct words. "your smart. phone."
That killed me for some reason.

To be fair, in the Disney cartoon he does at one point refer to himself that way. "ohhh, Ichy, you sly old dog, you!"

Did you read "Sex with Kings"? It goes allllll into the interesting relationships had with their mistresses. Fascinating. Charles II, for instance balanced at least 3 major mistresses at once- Lady Castlemaine, Louise De Keraille, and Nell Gwyn- AND had several on-the-side-just-for-sex ones. I have a feeling Kenna's

Totally agree. Alicia and Cary got screwed by L/G over and over and over. I think they were right to leave. This wouldn't be a war if Will wasn't hell bent on making it one, but since he is, Alicia has no intention of losing.