Jesse Thorn

I'll give you a hint: it's almost certainly something about you that you don't like.

Yeah, that's pretty much it. There are a lot of fixed costs, so a Kickstarter allows us to allay the risk involved. Just as it would be with a musician recording an album or something along those lines. It'll cost us about $120K to put it on, so if enough people want to come to make that happen, we'll do it. If not,

Mister - we talked to Max from Cards Against Humanity, and he's coming. As I mentioned to him when we talked, they're exactly the kind of thing we want to highlight, irrespective of my cohost goofing around on a comedy podcast.

In response to your question… "if we raise X dollars, we'll be able to do thing Y" is exactly what we're offering here. We've put a deposit on a space, and that deposit is a big risk. If we can sell enough tickets to cover the costs of the event, we can do it. If we can't, we're going to cancel it. An event liked this