Jesse Sparks

"Chess was about as sporty as I got. I never, couldn't play sports, don't understand, don't try to talk to me about sports. Like if a guy comes up and starts spitting out stats and what happened in the most recent game like to me all he's saying is, 'Let's punch each other in the cock after we pound these energy

That's possible. I just went back and watched it. Right before he goes to the school is the scene of Frank and him raiding the cabin. They come back to a parking lot where they'd left their cars to take the Range Rover up there. Perfect time to plant a bug.

Well, that one I think makes sense. He's already been part of two public shootouts, one where a good amount of civilians died, and he's trying to avoid something like that again. Plus, it's not like anyone would blame Burris for any collateral damage; they could easily pin any of it on Velcoro since he's already a

Hmm, that is a good point. The GPS thing seems to imply both that it was done in haste by being placed very close to the side of the car, and also that they had a good amount of time to do it by how well attached it was. I still tend to lean towards them putting it on at the school and just having some damn good

I honestly can't defend this season. Much of the criticism is warranted, from the marginalization of the female characters to the clunky, expository dialogue. I still liked it though, perhaps inexplicably.

Your two assumptions of things that were random weren't. The Mexicans were likely tipped off by the Armenians. The GPS was put on at the school; they were sitting on it and waiting to see if Velcoro would stop there. Plus, I doubt GPS units are that expensive. I could tape a lowjacked smart phone onto the bottom of a

Yeah, I'm not sure I buy it either, but her affect has been as awkward as Frank's the whole season and I don't know if it's how she's being directed or if Kelly Reilly's just not a very good actress. To be fair, she might also be too invested to just walk away and she's probably more ambitious than we give her credit

Yeah, it's also true that sometimes you can write dialogue that no human would ever say, and I think Frank has said a few of those lines as well, so I can see both points. I saw someone else mention that Jordan (the readhead, I'm surprised I know her name) might turn out to be playing Frank the way Blake was, and that

While I think it is technically true, I'll never understand the "why don't these characters say profound, beautiful prose every time they open their mouths" attitude. They're characters, with flaws, and sometimes the stuff they say sounds hackneyed. It reminds me of the issue people have of separating what characters

Hey, they're organic! I'm doing good for society!

Incorrect. He smokes the Organic Lights, slightly different yellow box from the Regular Lights. Noticed it right away because that's what I smoke.

Welp, pack it up, folks. It's been fun, but we're all done here. Time to quit while we're on top.

True, but he had to weigh that against making a future enemy out of a potentially valuable ally. Frank obviously did and the short-term (fairly long-term, I guess) gain was worth it. It might come to bite him in the ass now, though, since Ray will probably withhold the information he's gathered, if not just outright

Oh, sorry, I should have asked not told, especially since I was dead wrong. I see what you're saying now; I guess he figured otherwise or didn't think about the potential consequences at the time.

You mean Ray and he didn't, considering he killed the man he thought was the rapist.

Man, I really like to mix first names and surnames when writing these things.

There's a version of this season that would probably be better that is focused on either just Ray and Ani or just Ani. That said, I think the through line of this season, and why Woodrugh and Frank's subplots are included and Ray's subplot dealing with his wife and son are included and maybe integral, is family. All

I go back and forth between all three sorts actually, but when I come back to check to see what people are currently saying about something I already looked at, I sort by newest and often leave it that way. I didn't actually see yours either though, so it was my bad. Oh well, I think we're both going to be fine.

Ha, so it does. I have my feed sorted by newest and I hadn't scrolled
through all 370 odd comments to see if my thought had been expressed yet. My bad, I guess?

Anyone else hope that Matt McCoy's lawyer is the exact same lawyer from Silicon Valley, thus tying the two together and allowing for a crossover season?