Alan Smithee

I've NEVER accepted cable TV having commercials and have never subscribed to it because of that. If I pay, I want NO commercials. If it's free, then show all the commercials you want, though I'll tune out if there's too many.

Fuck Fox- the CABLE TV market is dying faster than the DVD market! And I'll go back to buying movies and shows on VHS before I buy a stupid download that I don't actually own!

That's one of many reasons why I don't have cable. Yes, they really do bother me- I tried to at least tolerate it during "The Simpsons" since that was my favorite show, but it just detracted too much from the show and became a chore to sit through. Why are people like you so quick to defend this practice- do you enjoy

No- are you… stupid? (Or a network whore?)

I keep saying this, but nobody listens: current network TV has been an UNWATCHABLE MESS since 1998. I simply CANNOT WATCH any show when the network keeps its logo onscreen ALL THE TIME (NBC started this in 1996, with CBS and ABC joining in 1998.) In over FIFTEEN YEARS, I have not heard one single valid reason for