They are, famously, offsides.
They are, famously, offsides.
Baltimore - Patterson Park. It’s big, has a nice lake in the middle, a dog park/running track around (it’s exactly two miles around), and the best ice cream place in the city (FIGHT ME THE CHARMERY) park-side in BMore Licks.
That dude’s a city councilman (not the German guy). He’s pretty a good one, too. This is the type of Baltimore news I am here for.
There was a bit where an unsuspecting couple went into a restaurant and the restaurant was filled with actors. Everyone, including the wait staff, was an actor. The waiter comes up:
“We win or we lose/We win or we looooooooooose/Tottenham Hotspur/We win or we lose!”
This feels like a bit. Like it could’ve been Maya Rudolph playing Fergie.
I would buy that shit for two zuzim.
Super hadn’t thought of that. I feel dumb.
I use this for my high school students in West Baltimore often. The only complaint I’d have is he talks super fast, which students who are a) not white and b) often far below grade level struggle with.
There’s an interesting economic argument that the max inflated players like them rather than tampering down spending like the league wanted because guys can easily say “I want a max deal” whereas if there was no max Lebron, Durant, and co. would make $50 million and these guys wouldn’t have a number to point to as…
Hey guys, Baltimorean here. Her reelection is complicated by a number of other factors, including:
As a teacher in West Baltimore, I love seeing a story like this but also wish it went further. No child in elementary school should be suspended. Even in cases of drugs or weapons in school, developmentally kids that age can’t understand what they’re doing and the harm they may cause. I’m nervous that “extreme…
Baltimorean here.
We refer to our n64 as a “Smash Machine,” so number six is spot on.
This needs 50 more stars
This is the best gif, as my mind immediately went to a “fuckouttahere” when reading this.
I just logged on to provide that same dispatch. As a teacher in Baltimore City, I’d like to add that the Port Covington TIF will result in screwing up our funding formula (the state assumes taxes based on property values, but since PC will be tax exempt for a while those numbers will be short) and the schools will…