Jesse Heisenberg

I would pay cash money to see that. Even just at a stall in a fleamarket on the bad side of town.

I dunno Carrie, did you think this episode was kinda soapy?

And such a shame it was only 11 episodes long. Thank God it didn't involve 5 episodes of a guy who can teleport failing to break into a museum to steal a sword or whatever.

This contest is over! Give that man the $10,000!

So, pally, did ya read dis whole a'ticle in my voice? Oy.

Oh, it was sll going so well until you decided to completely write off prog and folk metal completely in one achingly snobby sentence. We'll get a metal article on a non-metal specific website that isn't written in an apologetic tone one of these days.

Absolutely. I was sort of hate-watching both of them by about the third episode, but with Helix I was finishing every episode with a sense of complete bafflement at how a show could get the greenlight when they can't have had much more than a basic story treatment as their template.

I'm a monster! Don't look at me! Bluh!

That poster is at least 46 times cooler than anything I saw in the first season.

Raising Blarizona

I'm desperate to see it, but what worries me is it looks like it's filled with cheapo digital effects rather than cheapo practical effects, which is an important distinction for sad fucks such as I.

2 is the one that had a bit of studio money behind it - still small beans even for an 80s horror film but a huge step up from the "filmed over weekends with whatever we could scare up over the course of two years" production of the original. 3 had less money behind it (I believe) but still looked pretty damn

Would click.

Myeh, I love Days, but it has that trademark weak Alex Garland third act and a lot of the same idiotic character decisions that the sequel seems to get called out on a lot more for some reason. Not to say Weeks is perfect, but I think it's mostly enjoyable with a few stand-out excellent scenes. Not often you see a

I really liked the new DotD at the time, but with a decade of his bullshit to use as perspective, you can really tell that all the cool stuff came from James Gunn's script and the not so cool stuff came from Snyder going "chainsaws are cooooooool!!!"

There are so many things in all three films where I agree in principle that a little expansion was need to make it work on screen, but the way they chose to go about it was just so baffling. Yeah, Bard definitely needed to have some involvement prior to just sort of showing up killing Smaug, but all the Occupy Lake

Certainly goes some way towards explaining why the effects are such a bag of shite in that sequence. It's definitely the worst part in all three films, The Hobbit trilogy's equivalent of the Attack of the Clones molton metal and smashy stuff factory scene.

I really liked the first, the second just annoyed me. I mean, it
supposedly kicks off mere seconds after the first one ends, but the
zombies then start pulling all kinds of Exorcist shit all of a sudden.
Makes no damned sense I tells ya. I must have made it all of 3 minutes
into the third one before I realised it