Jesse Hammer

THANK you. I thought I was gonna have to be the one to break that news.

This. This is good sports writing.

"(opening riff, simplified verse, chorus, repeat, with solos and breakdowns peppered in)"
You just described 85% of all rock music. What's the problem, exactly?

I'm re-registering as Robot Reverse-Poochie.

As an unapologetic Detroit Pistons fan I have to throw down Bill Laimbeer's Combat Basketball. Utterly shitty game but a great concept, nonetheless.

Was just scrolling through to make sure someone brought that up. Thank you.

President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho!!!!

'Invocation'; track 66 on Danzig 4. Just putting that right there.

This is one of my favorite absurdist comedies of all time, the first 45 minutes, that is. Its' sense of humor is weird in a way I've never experienced before or since. I own the VHS, the DVD and an original theatrical poster and will be buying the Blu-Ray if only for this line;

Unfortunately, Madonna gave one of the most laughably awful "performances" ever and completely distracted from what might have been a decent film.