Jesse Fuchs

I didn't find it coercive—I thought it came by its melancholy honestly, and personally found it more than counterbalanced by the charm of the characters and lovely art style, and the arc of the story isn't, to me, a crushing downer. The dream puzzle-platform levels were too generic/frustrating for me to totally love

Occasional genius Don Reo's comments in the article on the purgatorial fourth season of "Til' Death" are at least as hilarious as the actual article: "We spent a lot of time screwing up the cues to make sure they contained mistakes. It amused every musician who watched it. Chuck E Weiss is the only musician who

Via Noblemania's "The Girl in the Video" column, the most magical HR credentialing class to ever occur in Omaha, Nebraska:

I actually had the same experience with the original Portal…you can't (or at least, shouldn't) die for the first 10 or so levels, and the rest of the game felt so genuinely coherent, that by the time I was at risk of dying I was having the same sense of tense excitement. Then I fell into some goo and it restarted.

I love PE and ITANOM best of all, but that's still one of the goofiest lyrics I've heard this side of Paul Barman.

People say that I sample
They should sample this, MY PITBULL

But the seventh one…the seventh one was the pilot to "Fish".

It somehow seems relevant, jingle-wise, that my all-time favorite Yo La Tengo song—and one of my favorite songs, period—is their 15-minute-long version of the "Looney Tunes" theme:…

I always thought it was "Give me a laser down the road that I must travel." Made sense to me when I was 10. Thought it was kinda cool that a pop song mentioned lasers.

It's no closer to MtG that dozens of other CCGs that have come and gone, and the lack of land, color, or being able to react on your opponent's turn in any way makes it clearly a different implementation. There's no basis for a lawsuit whatsoever.


Also, of course, the infinitely applicable: "What can I do to this guy that life hasn't done already?"

Thanks to The Venture Brothers, I've acquired the disconcerting tendency to exclaim "Jesus Jones! (pause) Now _there_ was a band."

I've been known to exclaim "I can't understand your crazy moon language!" to people speaking…anything, really. Probably gonna get me fired one day.

Well, there is the cage elevator you can unlock at the top that lets you go all the way back to the bottom, skipping 95% of it. But, yeah, it's still a few minutes of chugging along.

I like this song a lot, even a little more than I like the Fatima Mansion's novelty-Ministry cover of it:

Also, Guitar Hero's business model doesn't rely on whatever tiny OCD sliver of their market spent hundreds if not thousands of dollars on DLC 95% of which they've never even played. They surely exist here and there, and I'm sure they gave Activision a nice bump in their profits, but if they all somehow vanished I