Jesse Corder

And now many elements of Rocky Horror make way more sense.

Not only do I love cilantro, I use it as garnish for many dishes at home instead of parsley. It's just so much of the yums.

How about Blue Collar Liberal? People forget that angry white men working manual labor jobs used to be a part of the solidly liberal Democratic base due to the Republican's opposition to unions, especially during the 60's and 70's when Eastwood was first coming to success.

This should double feature with IQ, the Tim Robbins, Meg Ryan rom-com with Walter Matthau as Albert Einstein.

I am so going to fly to London to get all the UK releases of early Beatles and Stones records; also all the UK covers for early Bowie albums.

How can they be post-punk when they were there in Bowery in the mid 70's inventing punk?

But that's what Blondie and Talking Heads were. You can't get much more original CBGB than that.

Wayne's World 2 was atrocious as well.

I for one hate when comedy sequels recycle jokes from the first movie. Part of the humor of a good comedy is that you can't see the punchline coming, and it's well timed. Usually the recycled, sequel version of a joke is not only obvious as to what the punchline will be, but is also usually timed out slower giving the

Passion II: Christ Harder

Then why do you care?

Not exactly sure where you've been all this time, but yeah, it's a Death Metal thing. Has been for about 30 years now.

The main reason I'm okay with this is not my concern for any "trauma" experienced by the little tots. It's my discomfort with watching a sex scene, getting a boner, and then seeing the 5 yr old sitting right over there.

What? Where'd that come from?

Electric Six really needs to cover this song.

I would definitely agree that it's more of a procedural than an action movie. I am much more likely to consider it in comparison to Serpico than Dirty Harry.

One of the production companies for this has a funny logo. At 0:28 Hannibal Classics' logo looks like a swastika. A lot. Um…?

Otherwise the usual top rated movie of all time is Citizen Kane, a movie about a self-obsessed rich white man. Yeah, that's much more diverse and inclusive than Shawshank.

Yeah, what's the point of reading the Iliad when we know what happens in the Oresteia?