
Actually, the "adult" thing to do would be to admit fault and take steps to improve things.

If shirking blame is what kids would do, Valve just took the teenager way of doing things and said 'yeah okay whatever".

I love all the responses to your comment; you should have known better than to post something like that here and expect real answers.

It's just the term they use for computers where there isn't a separate tower, it's all contained in the monitor.

He did say that she thought he was the one, not the other way around.

That's a shitty, judge-y thing to say.

Yeah I can see that. I didn't even mean big battles though. Just something to make it feel more like you were actually in a war. Bases, skirmishes, things like that. And I don't think I'm asking for anything random here because the civil war mod uses scripts that were already in the game so it seemed like they

SimEarth back in high school. Nothing will match the shock of seeing my lizard people having a nuclear war or seeing the rise of machine life on a classmate's game.

A lot of the limitations had to do with the consoles at the time. I feel that if they were to make a PC only game they could really do somethings that would be incredible. I know it's one of many reason why New Vegas felt so closed off when you get to the city.

You don't have to buy it and it is only $2 so I don't really understand why you are whining about it.

By performing very specific actions he glitches the game to execute arbitrary bits of memory. Stuff that isn't standard game code. You have to have a basic understanding of what a CPU actually does to understand what he is doing to any significant degree. Basically the CPU is is requesting data and operations from the

First you must understand that everything a computer is commanded to do must be stored somewhere, instructions and variables are pretty much undistinguishable at memory allocation level.
Once you understand this, the trick is to take advantage of a glitch to overflow the memory assigned for game (go up and down

he's recoding the game by entering computer code as character names and walking up and down stairs to make the new code in the character names run

Ooo nice, i just got my Majora's Mask edition dropped off. Now i'm waiting for Nintendo support to help me with transferring my Nintendo Network ID from a 3DS i no longer own >.<

this hits like every single bad internet comment trope, from 'im not even mad!!' to 'posts really long screed and then claims not to care'

Amazon doesn't sell them. I'm not sure the reasons—there's some disagreement between them and Nintendo, and Amazon won't stock some of their products.

Yes. That's the best way to transfer. It'll just be like a normal system transfer, but with a screwdriver.

The shorter loading times sold me on it. Shortly before the handheld was announced I noticed that I was hating the load times for my 3DS: Turning it on, starting up Smash Bros, switching between applications. I think my phone spoiled me. So I've got my N3DS reserved and will pick it up after work.