
What do you think consumerism is? We buy games. Of course this website is dedicated to funding them. Sorry to turn this into a witch hunt but sheesh.

It’s not like Kickstarter is just charity, you know. Most of the best games I’ve played recently have come from Kickstarter, the majority totally ignored by the press because of attitudes like yours. Basically, you are why we can’t have nice things.

Well they aren’t “chibi sprites,” because they’re textured polygons.

Wow. My excitement level for this game was like, YAY, new Zelda! Then, oh man, co-op Zelda blargh. Then, oh hey, I can play it with my spouse! Then... oh.

I don’t know why everyone is so upset by this post. For what it’s worth, I really enjoyed the first Grandia but did not see much value in Grandia II (other than the fantastic battle system, which is probably still the best RPG battle system ever), and I found Grandia III just as banal, sad to admit.

Square-Enix won’t let it out of their sweaty hands.

Did ya read the review?

Huh? Where did you hear that? The actor is definitely not Johnny Knoxville, because I’ve seen him, and I know what Johnny Knoxville looks like. :)

What’s with everybody kissing Jason’s ass in here? Kind of annoying.

Some people actually like this game. Maybe Jason didn’t grow up with FFIV, young buck that he is. I do prefer the 2D version strongly, but I prefer the 2D version of FFIV to the ugly DS version too.

“Fargo” was shot in Minnesota, oddly enough.

I live in ND, too. It doesn’t look much like that, even in the winter, does it?

Dat ain’t Castlevania

Yet still wonderful

I wish YouTube wouldn’t default me to 1080 x 60fps. My computer can’t really handle it, and I always wonder what’s wrong with the video. 720 x 60fps, yes; 1080 x 30 fps, yes. Combined, nope.

I sort of think it’s today’s media’s fascination with portraying the world as if it’s in a constant state of collapse. Child kidnappings, for instance, have not gone up; in fact, I think they’re lower than they’ve ever been (in the U.S. at least), but parents are more protective of kids than ever.

I think I’m about your age and feel the same. I was never disturbed by the original Mortal Kombat as a kid, so I’m not sure why I find this so distasteful and disgusting. Is it because I’m older, or would I always have? I feel like I would have found it upsetting as a kid when I never thought the original was.

That’s weird, because I thought he looked and sounded a little like Johnny Knoxville!

Oh man. That really makes me want to watch Jackass more than anything.

They both seem kind of whiny to me. No, you’re whiny. No, you’re whiny! No, no, he’s whiny. No he’s not; he is!