
I thought you mentioned this elsewhere? If not you, then someone else did. So, in a way, my answer is YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS. But like so many things in life, I guess my answer is also partially no. Or I dno. Or I want more pizza.

The Xbox One has games? who knew?

I would so import this if it wasn't region-locked.

Nintendo doesn't want you to turn it off. Ever. They just want you to plug it in. Who knows why. Even I have finally begun turning the poor thing off.

I agree; what's with the freaking hinges? I don't get it.

Dislike #2: that Brian gets to play Yokai Attack and we don't with our lack of Japanese.

I hated the power button on the original 3DS and XL anyway. Too easy to hit by accident. No, I never actually did, but you know... I could have...

Oh whine whine. There is one new game announced for it. If no one buys it, there won't be anymore, so don't buy it, don't whine, and we'll all be happy.

I'll tell you what I dislike, that I'm paying money for it to include NFC technology solely for the use of stupid crappy overpriced useless cluttery hoarder plastic figurines. Get a grip people. My freaking God.

Even sillier than taking photos with it, one should say! I suppose different Gizmodo authors have their own opinions. I just can't imagine using an iPad to pay for something going through a line is easier than pulling out a credit card. (I'm not sure Apple Pay itself is any easier than just pulling out a credit

I think they just want to keep making all the special edition New XL units.

It doesn't have the Super Famicom colored buttons either. :( I guess they just hate us.

Wow. No offense, but I think you're wrong about all of the above. Never know though!

As long as DS games look as good on the New Regular as they did on the Old XL, I am getting a New Regular. I want the Super Famicom buttons (which they'll probably removed from the US release...) and the faceplates! And I got tired of carrying my giant XL around.

Cause you won't like his report on the hinge.

You seriously want to carry your iPad around and wave it at credit card machines to pay for stuff?

Does anyone have impressions yet on how DS games look on the regular-sized New 3DS? They looked awful on the original 3DS, but they looked great on the XL if you held select. (Doing this on the 3DS resulted in a postage stamp.)

Uh oh. U gonna be mad.

I've read a lot of impressions on that. People seem to really like it, at least for camera control (which is what I think it was primarily designed for)—haven't heard anyone talk about using it for Kid Icarus or anything and how that works.

This looks great! I'll probably actually use the 3D now, thereby negating the extra battery life and probably putting me back in the sad lack of battery land I was in with the original 3DS before I got the XL.

Persona 4, home console game, remade to be a portable game. Excitement because one can now play portable game as home console game again. Irony.