I don't understand the love of this game. I bought it expecting something more than a standard rpg... and I got a standard rpg. Except that in a standard rpg you at least get a main character with some personality. About 40 hours in I gave up.
NASA is such a tease.
@LAmonkeygirl: That was your head exploding?
@andromache liebes the Deutsch: That is a very warm looking jacket.
@vam_rt: Why do you assume that everyone who chooses not to judge the bible as literal truth are bible haters? I quite like the bible. It probably has something to do with my parents who are both ministers and have a few things to say about fundamentalists highjacking there religion.
@septiums: I love how the fundies ad shit to their mythology.
@spalek83: That's the second coolest thing I've ever seen.
Oh god. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
@cottoncandy_sweetandlow: It's not how big it is it's how you use it.
@Jesse Astle: And now whenever I see a boom mike in shot I'm going to giggle.
I never noticed how phallic a boom mike was.
@CoffinDodger (If the typos crap. Blame my keyboard): Let's see the aliens can fly, shoot plasma from there buts and they can go underground. Tron man is very good at throwing a disc... they are so screwed.
@Wolfsheim: Nanu...
@CoffinDodger (If the typos crap. Blame my keyboard): Chuck Norris is dead. All we have left is Steven Segal.
@mkirkland: I think maybe a film is a bit more complex since it's the work of so many different people. Unless Romero wrote the script, produced it, distributed it, as well as directed it, then I can see why there would be a bit more grey area there.
@moofie: No there isn't. It's his work he should have the final say on how it's used.
I would think that the ethical thing to do would be to respect the wishes of the still living author.
@Makidian: Except sometimes they don't. I'd rather see Tangled in 2D but the only theatre in town that's showing it only has it in 3D.
@Kyonkochan: Disturbing...