Jesse Astle

No way in hell anybody is going to poke holes in me unless I'm filled with booze or drugs... possibly both.

If you search you should be able to find most of the strips.

@Arken: So if it's terrific what does it matter? Honestly I'm getting a little tired of people poo pooing something just because they've seen something a bit like it before. If it's well written and well drawn does it really matter all that much?

@paperconservation101: I would love to see the inner working of peoples brains in these situations.

@Derek Pegritz: Stop harshing our buzz with your 'logic'. I for one welcome our Rhean overlords.

@maurasaurus: There's probably more of a stigma of pedophilia for white males then non-white males I would think.

Carina, the most epic of nebula's... nebuli?

@bookwench: Well, yes. Yes I am. Just so I can bitch about it properly.

@alixana: Whoa now. Let's not start anything we can't finish now. Let's put our phasers down and talk about this like logical vulcans.

Spuffy... Huh.

@narutogameking: I'm gonna kick you in the nuts. Because it's a free country.

@nahde: I saw the trailer for it or the first game a few years back. It looked pretty good.

@TwiceDead: I find that hard to believe. It's like Albany, only cleaner.

Well, I guess that'a another name to the list of men I'd screw if I was gay... my God, that's a long list.

"I can, however, take this time to announce that I'm making a Batman movie. Because there's a franchise that truly needs updating. So look for The Dark Knight Rises Way Earlier Than That Other One And Also More Cheaply And In Toronto, rebooting into a theater near you."

@Philoso.raptor: How about: They're making minor changes to my childhood to better suite the current marketplace, and I can't do anything about it.

@crews200: I just think there has to be a better word than rape. To compare even the most egregious re-imagining of our childhood heroes is not equal to rape. It's disappointing, sad and even rage inducing. But it's not rape.