Jesse Astle

meh, at leat half of those I can skip.

@jll3: I think he makes an exception for Batman, the most dangerous man alive!

@Walking Eye!: Wait a second. I seem to remember reading a JSA comic where that kid with the pen genie talked to Batman in the afterlife or some shit like that... ah, whatever.

I know next to nothing about Islam but I'm sure like any other religion it has its moderates as well as crazies. Unfortunately it's usually the crazies who make the headlines. 'cause, you know. That Shakespeare quote I'm too lazy to look up right now because by all rights I should be in bed.

ooh, ominous low angle shot. I love those. It's almost as if there's a foreshadow there. Also, I've been out of the loop for a while. Since when did Bruce come back from the dead?

Smells like a missed opportunity to me...

@b33g33: I want to see that movie. Metal bikinis are always appropriate battle wear.

@stereobot: I do believe that War of the Worlds is public domain.

@TemporalSword: I'm guessing that it will be fun, but not all that great. Like pretty much any monster flick.

@Muttonman: They'd probably want to go small scale. The problem with cosmic is that it usually equals expensive.

@3in1Doctor: His millions and all the booty those millions can buy. I'm not feeling too sorry for the little fella.

Just don't do another Mutant X please.

And he survives. Perfect.

All Jaba ever wants to cook is frogs.

It's Cobrama Care.

@syafiqjabar of Mars: It was sent by Mr. Smiley. Just goes to show you don't fuck with a man with a giant happy face for a head.

@Yankton: Well he is the prince of darkness.

@Illundiel: Ted Danson. Of course I knew that. I was just testing ya.