Yeah, never saw the show but I'm calling bullshit on that one. I can't see anyone saying that a women is at fault for a guy hitting her. (or no one with an ounce of reason and respect at least)
Yeah, never saw the show but I'm calling bullshit on that one. I can't see anyone saying that a women is at fault for a guy hitting her. (or no one with an ounce of reason and respect at least)
So I guess it's official. The Tony Danza version will be superior.
In some ways this would make sense. It would be a neat progression from the (sort of) real life villainy of the first, the costumed freak villainy of the second, and then an introduction to the science villainy in the third.
@BobbinBrain: I disagree. Sure, she needs to get some muscle tone and she needs to be able to act. But I think she's got the face for it.
@Kobun: Ok that was unexpected and somewhat disturbing.
@thedoorsdk: Well, PSP. Which is cool 'cause then I can wrap my blanket around me.
@syafiqjabar of Mars: ummm, lets not.
@Ghost in the Machine: But of course the question is can she act? Do we care?
@DukeOfPwn: My single memory of Resident Evil is being repeatedly killed by the camera and bad controls for ten minutes then saying fuck it.
@martialbullet: When Darth Vader isn't enough...
I've never really gotten into the survival horror genre. Any suggestions?
@RedCarmine: I put on women's clothing... and play street fighter apparently.
@Chinedu Opara: See, I just shit myself. All they'd have to do is paint him green. No CGI needed.
@Mike White: More like most divisive season ever.
@iamnomad: Oh come on. The Christopher Walken Hulk would be awesome! I could see him saying 'you wouldn't want to see me... angry.'
@Andy Roo Mac: I read the comics as a kid, watched the cartoon as a teenager.'s motion capture. Why didn't I know it was motion capture? More importantly why is it motion capture?!
@square enigma: ... ok yes, cultural relativism can have its dangers when what you're being relativistic about is cannibalism. Or the treatment of women in Saudi Arabia. Not when we're talking about a transvestite.
@GamerKT: Damn, I was enjoying the thought of a Tommy Wisseau zombie.
@Monotreme Extraordinaire: That's just too damn sexy. The way they spread that mayonnaise...