I totally want to post this to 4chan and simply say 'pic related'.
@speccy4i: Sorry, I'm busy fixing my pet slinky.
@KillerIri5h: Before or after your date screams and start hitting your crotch?
@KatrinSedai: Of course it was french class...
Well, not in the act per se. At least not with my parents. But my father caught me right after my, um, 'me time' and I had my o face on.
@msmoneypenny: They have the same soulless eyes though... creepy.
@Kpibca: Definitely the best of the series. Although Tom Baker as Puddleglum is my absolutely favourite character. I hope they bring him onto the Silver Chair movie somehow.
Zelda looks pleased...
@Tiller: Just keep telling yourself they're eighteen.
@scrapking: I don't know. Would it be ok to realize that we all have our own sexual preferences and we're turned on by different sexual imagery?
@Eternal: What's this '/d/' you talk of... *quickly deletes internet history*
@Rhino Cremeans: You're entitled to your opinion. Even if it is wrong.
@AgentCoop: I think it's along the lines of, 'people will see any crap we put on screen, so let's just make something up about aliens'.
That's no volcano... it's a space station.
@MagImpalor is a god damn spy.: I loved the Misfits.
That's just sick.
@lostarchitect: Hey, fellow dude. Maybe this is one of those few situations when we really don't know where they're coming from. Let's face it, after we hit puberty we probably never have to worry about rape. Women do.
@PupPup: Ok yeah, I can see how that can get annoying, especially if it happens everyday. It seems that the two catch phrases for guys in the comments section is situation and taking a hint.