Jesse Astle

@clevernamehere: Yeah that's the main problem I have with the article. At this point I'm wondering if any socializing is appropriate.

@cisum88note:Well, yeah but I would say that the very reason that this is Pakistan means we should probably send more support. It makes sense on humanitarian <i<and political grounds.

@Technogamer1992: I can just imagine the packaging. 'Sonic screwdriver. When those shelves absolutely need to be up by morning... and for detonating land mines.'

Now playing

You know it's quality when it has the Dimension Films logo... also this guy.

@Technogamer1992: Ah nostalgia, when a sonic screwdriver was only good for unscrewing screws and blowing holes in the moon.

@Lassus: That's what - oh never mind. You know where I'm going with this.

Only 200 pounds? I'm not that big of a guy and I'm over 200 pounds. Heck, even if I watched my weight and worked out I doubt I'd be able to lose those 30 pounds.

@MagImpalor is a god damn spy.: But, this being a Disney film, it would end with the guy learning a valuable lesson, the Mermaid Grocery Clerk turning into a beautiful princess, and them getting married.

@wilsonova: Well, yeah. But that goes back to two points:

@perditamarie: I have never done that. Mainly because people do that to me all the time and I hate it. But also it's a pretty obvious signal that the person doesn't want to talk.

@JAC: Thank you.

@CassandraSays: Great link and it was a very interesting read. And you know, I do get it. Or at least as well as I can without being a women. There's a hell of a lot more stuff women have to worry about that a fairly large and intimidating looking when he wants to be guy doesn't have to; rape and violence being two

I read the title and thought, 'well that's going a bit far'. Then I read the article and thought, 'wow, what an ass'.

@crthomp1: Like I said above I don't hit on girls all that often so my reference material is fairly limited. Don't drink, don't go to clubs, and I don't party.

@MagImpalor is a god damn spy.: But, and I may be misreading the article, she seems to be saying that hitting on a girl is unacceptable in all situations. She's not saying, take no for an answer and leave me alone, but don't even ask the question. What I'm saying is that yeah, if the guy in question isn't taking the

20,000 hours out of a 43,800 hours over five years... did they make the video game equivalent of crack? And if so, what's the gate way drug? Mario, Metroid, Monkey Island?