Jesse Astle

@Klebert L. Hall: I think it's based on how many fish an average kitten can carry without toppling over.

ok, given that the guy isn't aggressive, polite, takes no thank you for an answer... what's the problem? It seems that the real problem is that there are a few men out there who don't know the difference between hitting on someone and harassing someone.

@confirmed spinster formerly angryyoungwoman: See, this is where the line is drawn. I think it's acceptable to hit 'on the ladies', at least in certain situations. But, it should also be understood that 'no' and 'I'm into ladies' should be the end of the discussion.

Funny, a lot of my favourite authors are female. Although I mostly read sci-fi/fantasy, and not genre's specifically catered towards women.

@FrankN.Stein: aw, the guy with the camera is a douche. He put the turtle in the bucket just so he could film it, put it on the internet, and mock him.

@DrMathochist: But... I thought all math formula's were fart jokes. I was a crap math student so I can't say for sure.

If Bender going bow-chica-bow-wow doesn't become an internet meme, then I've lost all hope in the internet.

Well, I don't have a black friend or a gay friend. But then, I don't have to make up friends to excuse my beliefs.

See, this is why you tip at least 15%.

@timestep: The job of a pokalogist is never an easy one.

I support this design, only so I can say to meet at the giant cock.

So Stephen Sommers is directing again... ah well. So I guess it'll be cheese that's slightly better that Transformers. Again.

@kivel: I'll give it a shot. But yeah, you're probably right. The synopsis doesn't fill me with hope.

Wow, that Walking Dead video is really disturbing.

@zephyrkey: I had to recheck the article to make sure you weren't talking about the Dawn Treader. Kind of disappointed.