Jesse Astle

@Atomic B: You're parents certainly didn't do anything wrong. But, as was said before me, these photo's weren't taken by her parents. They were taken by a paparazzi with dubious intent.

@John_Hazard: I disagree. A writer for a television series, which is always going to have a limited budget and time restraints, always need to keep in mind the limits of their chosen medium. This helps ensure that the end result doesn't look cheep.

@addisoncort: Yeah, that's what I was thinking. We've seen plenty of effect driven shows in the past decade and they've all done a fairly good job. Sure, some of these were fairly small in scale, (Firefly for one) but others were pretty epic.

@GreasyPig: Around the 30 second mark I was going, 'oh crap. They're totally not going there... eeeww!! They totally are.

@Adam Whitehead: It's one of the few endings I remember watching as a kid and going, "WTF?!"

Damn you, Servalan!

@Hahaue: As long as you clean up afterwords...

Joseph is a fucking narc.

*ahem* I think you mean 'back massager'.

@PlaidNinja: Good thing it's only $2.99 a pack.

Poor sheep. It doesn't matter if it wants to be fucked by Superman or not. If Superman wants to fuck a sheep, that sheep is getting fucked.

@boom: That Justin Bieber movie better be about how we can use his hair to plug the hole in the ozone or by God...

@a.seivewright: I don't know. The only thing he's got going for him is that black voice thing. Other than that... meh.

@NullNullNix: You don't see him taking the cracker, it just mysteriously disappears from its package.

@sharkd: That picture is pretty awesome. It almost looks like Snakeyes is mugging Optimus.

I have, on occasion talked to breasts. They have nothing interesting to say.