Jesse Astle

@TRT-X: I did, because like an idiot I used the master ball long before I got to MewTwo.

My experience with this game will be the same as most other Pokemon games. I'll break down and buy it, play it until the fifty hour mark, get bored of it, trade it in, and vow never to get another Pokemon game again because it's the same freakin' game I've been playing since the first one.

@syafiqjabar of Mars: Well Godzilla did manage to hide from the army in New York... so I guess its somewhat possible that a race of transforming robots with the worse disguises ever would go unnoticed in Chicago.

Oh yes...

Yeah, but don't Republicans vote no on everything just to be assholes?

@Burke: Berry should stay at least 50 feet away from Catwoman at all times.

Ha! Robots in disguise my ass.

@GirlLibrarian: That's the thing. It's not difficult but it requires you to pay attention. Which is something that people have fallen out of practice doing.

@Michael_GR: I think it's implied that it requires more imagination than most people are capable of.

@whynotshesaid: The first two. I can fully admit that this may be the case for some or even most instances. But I do not thing you can say that it is a) true for all instances throughout history or b) this must always be the case. Maybe this isn't what you're saying and I'm reading into it.

I certainly can't comment what this women went through because a) not a women, and b) never been in or had friends who were in an abusive relationship.

@GusF: I don't know. That Bender fellow keeps saying how great he is. But then again, he never wrestled a giant bear.

@GusF: They have an entire course on him in Robo-American studies.

I love things that Kurtz's dad says.

@excaliburps: Mind did not go there. Now it's there. Thank you.

Barbara Crabb. Ph.d, member of the bar, expert on Spawn. Coolest. Judge. Ever.