Jesse Astle

@Plague: So the Shoggoths are really the Na-vi? Didn't see that one coming...

@Jesse Astle: And GTA, except for an hour of Sin City. Or Halo.

@Jesse Astle: Oh, and I've maybe played a one or two sports games and maybe one wrestling game. And that was on the super nintendo.

HAHAHA. They will also allow purchasers to get an escort by airport security.

@Smitty: I think that's sort of the issue I have with both FPS's and games that allow you to customize characters. They're trying to create a gaming experience that's more immersive and that you care more about, but in the end I care less about a character and what happens to him.

I've never played a military shooter or an RTS. Even when I was playing games more, I usually stuck to playing one game until I finished it or got bored or it. So, for instance, I'd play FF 7 for a year (either stopping or restarting after getting stuck) and not much of anything else.

@amazingmao: Nah, you just got to take it slow, ease your way up.

@RadiantViper: *slowly looks up* Yeah, guess you're right.

@pandafresh: Lara Croft/Captain Kirk fanfic.

@pandafresh: Is Lara Croft Way full of bushes or did they make it trim and neat?

@Nethlem: I think what he's complaining about is that there is little to know help for those who are just learning to play the game. Games have learning curves is only an acceptable retort when there is proper tutorial help for those just starting.

@QualityJeverage: There's only so much time I'm willing to invest in a game.

@artless.dodger: Okay... here's hoping that David Tennant has the best security money can buy.

I think the question is, for both men and women, is it one singular event that demarcates childhood/adulthood or is it a series of events? I've known 16 year old's who were more mature than me at 25.

@epurple12: I don't know. I'd feel weird about that. It may be old fashioned, but I think the guy should pay at least for the first date.

@MissyMcCLung: It does seem that many people are stuck at the mental age of eighteen.

@artless.dodger: Not that I really want to know, but I'd interested who the sex scene was with.

@danslesnuages: Well yeah, but just throwing them in the garbage would be a waste. They may be evil, but they're an environmentally friendly evil.

Which one is the sexiest?