Jesse Astle

@sarrible: If we give women pockets, it means they'll have money. And who wants that?

@danslesnuages: You became an atheist just for the nudity, didn't you? I swear the satanists are losing more and more converts because of people like you.

@misshistory is a geeky bear: Like the kid said, If you are dressing to get attention from a guy, then anything you wear can be immodest.

"Something attractive draws you toward them. It makes you respect the person. Something immodest is usually unattractive. It makes you think less of that person, thinking of them as an object… (male, age 16).

@kagekiri: I think it would still make sense, it's just that airbending would be the dominant gene.

@lobohotpants: Except Starcraft never ate a cheeseburger drunk... I think?

@evan7257: Maybe they've perfected cloning by now...

@GodofMonkeys: Hopefully Aang and Katara have been going at it like rabbits for the past 70 years or so, so there's lots of little airbenders running around.

This actually looks somewhat interesting.

@Vidya108: At best I would say it's neglect, benign or otherwise.

Damn straight I'm following that. And retweeting the hell out of it to.

I think there was a David Brin story based on this, right?

@Ninevah: Also, I had a professor with the last anme Livingstone. He hated it when people did the whole 'Dr. Livingstone I presume' thing.

@Ninevah: *sigh* I feel his pain.

@seriousfic: He knows a good thing when he sees it.

@Gimmi Mørgäikkönën: You're looking at a very good reason why tights wouldn't work for a superhero costume...