Jesse Astle

Or Highlander 3 for that matter. Or Highlander: End Game. The animated series just barely squeaks by because it was fairly decent for what it was.

@DrGonzho: The problem wasn't the monster. It was that the monster had more personality and pathos than the main characters.

Those eyes...

@Timey.wimey: I didn't at first, but damn... yes. Make this happen Hollywood! You owe me!!

@DrZaius: I have to say that's what really bugs me about a lot of hero/villain relationships. The villains are almost set up to lose.

@sephycloneno15: It wraps everything up in a tight little... package.

@SinisterBill: Well, comics in the last, twenty years maybe? Most of those golden age comics were pretty much all stand alone issues.

As someone who has dealt with a learning disability, I'm interested in seeing how its handled. Unfortunately, when it is handled, it's usually handled poorly.

@WookieLifeDay: Except that in the Thor comics I've read, there has been a few nods towards him being an alien or a God. It is not well defined if he is one or the other. Granted this was long after Kirby, but the way comics work is that writers/artists ad to the mythos as they go along.

@GreyHammer: Nor did I see it in every good Indiana Jones movie.

It was definitely an above average episode. Maybe not as emotionally satisfying as Jurassic Bark or others like it, but it still brought a smile to my lips.

Would it have been a quantum leap?

@cowboyhugbees: My name is Jesse Astle. And I'm a krak addict.

@Szin: Don't listen to hime! He's not a whale biologist.

@lollilove: I never really got what was so good about that movie. Don't get me wrong, it's not a bad movie, but I never understood why it was such a 'cult' indie classic.

@bluehinter: lol, Doctor Who is jumping the shark.