Not the end of the world people!

You have issues...

You must be new to the internet if you think its just men than need a thicker skin. I’ve said it once, I’ll say it again, people need thicker skin.

Someone should dress the girl as a handmaid, then it will properly encapsulate the future of the US.

People don’t seem to grasp this. They all seem to believe that there’s a secret club room somewhere with a load of white dudes, banging their fists on the table and screaming “No girls! No black people!” everytime someone tried to give them a big bag of future profits.
In reality, if the industry thought they could

So you’re saying that scenario you describe is mental healthy? The guy had mental health issues which culminated in him exploding in rage and killing his family and some strangers.

Eurghh... he was so full of himself it was unbelievable. The rest of the world is just laughing at you all now. This is embarressing.

To be fair, for a while now, a holiday in America risked death by gun or just general assholishness of the locals. Add in all the racist crap, the extra hassle to gain entry and again, the racist crap. Why the hell would we want to visit? I’ll head to Canada, a much nicer place, thank you very much.

Yeah but two days to recharge is not a legitimate reason for sick days. Maybe I grew up in a different time, (I’m 40 n0w) but I was brought up to think that you went to your job, you did your job and you did it well, and the only reason you were off sick is if you were contagious or so ill you couldn’t come in to

“Boys should like her” then have a clip with “men are fools.” So they are supposed to like a superhero who looks down on them?
Personally I always found her boring as a superhero.

Many won’t go to see it because of the last few films and because she’s not superman/batman/flash because they are the main ones. Aside from comics, and the tv/films? in the 80s, Wonderwoman hasn’t been mainstream like the others. Batman TV show, Batman films, Superman films, Superman TV... you say DC and ask people

You are an absolute idiot.

My local football team is going to Wembley soon. (For some championship or other) and it was reported that about 23% of my town is going down to London to watch the game. Including my mother and brother who are devoted fans. This has me worried for them. Tens of thousands of people, packed into an enclosed space are

Also... we northerners are the best. We get a bad rap sometimes, especially in Yorkshire, but we are good people.

I live close enough to Manchester that I could go shopping in their city centre. My daughter has been to a concert there and whenever I fly out to Belfast to see family, its from Manchester Airport. This has hit close to home and my facebook feed is full of friends worried about their kids.
I am so proud of the people

They see the rest of the world through their own racist culture. Europe has some racism, but is nowhere near the levels of America. The UK will have some angry people, some idiots and some racists spouting off about muslims but the rest of us will understand that an entire religion doesn’t have to answer for one

It’ll be those mormons again... oh wait, no. We know who it is likely to be and why. The majority of terrorism these days is committed by the same followers of a twisted belief system.

These people are disgusting in their fixating on their agendas. 22 children died.

Excuse me! We’ve had muslim terrorism in Britain and the vast majority of our people have not changed their views on our muslim citizens. There has been no cracking down. This isn’t racist fucking america.

I live not so far from Manchester and have friends and friends of friends who had kids at the concert and are frantically trying to find them. Seeing comments filled with the usual, “let’s just wait, it might not be a muslim,” and “pray for them,” are filling me with rage.
Let’s be fair, if someone blows themselves up

Was with you until Batman and then your racism, even in joke, with the Flash just put me right off. You’re an ass.