Not the end of the world people!

Its in the Snyder-verse.. of course it will be bad. :(

No. Suicide Squad and the Batman Vs Superman suck fest destroyed all hope for any DC film. I will, for the first time, not spend my money at the cinema for this film and will wait, while using that money to attend whichever Marvel film is next out since they are pretty much always fun to see.
It was telling that my

Glad you said this. The idea that someone can give an anonymous interview and derail a career and tarnish someones reputation without any actual bloody proof. This site is terrible for immediately taking the side of the accuser if the accused is male and its sickening.
Anonymity should be extended to all parties until

I paid, £45 (UK money) for the joy of taking my daughter and brother to the cinema to see the latest Guardians of the Galaxy movie. The film was worth seeing, but I’d have happily paid for it to be streamed into my living room at a significant cut in price.
Netflix provides me with a great many more films to watch for


A movie made in the eighties and set in the dark ages comes off as misogynistic...... what did you expect?

I like to watch movies now and again because they can be fun escapism for a couple of hours rather than a two week binge session where all I do is watch all ten seasons of whatever show I am watching because I have to watch them all the way to the end whether I hate myself or not..... so yeah, a movie is a nice change

Pff like Ghostbusters maybe? Could have done without making that pile of garbage though I know I’ll get hate for daring to say that here. Same for Total Recall, RObocop and every other reboot and remake they do.

Or maybe they just need to make a good version of the movie. From the trailer alone I was “nope.” I live in England, I grew up reading about the myths of the British Isles and the Legend of king Arthur was one of my favourites. I will go out of my way to watch anything even loosely connected to it, even that Richard

No. If she was in her kids corner, she’d have known what she was watching. It’s not hard especially with netflix to be able to see what your kids are doing and talk to or deal with them about it.

Then perhaps you should be taking a more active role in what your child is watching/doing online, rather than blaming the show for your poor parenting.

Maybe its time to deal with why people are committing suicide rather than banning things that might encourage them. I’ve been suicidal before. The only reason I didn’t actually cut any deeper was because of my children and I am fully aware that in two years, the youngest will be out of high school and I will have this

So we should what? censor everything in case someone is affected negatively by it? Maybe we should ban some subjects? They put warnings before the episodes and perhaps it’s up to the parents to know what’s going on in their childs lives and what they are doing/talking about/watching online?

Like that matters. She was his teacher. There’s a power dynamic there that mattered when she was first showing interest in her student. If the genders were reversed I doubt you or any others would be so forgiving.

I’ve seen a lot of such comments today and I’m already sick of them. One thing is pretty certain. We won’t see loads of riots and looting from the losers this time like we do whenever the left loses. This is just goddamn embarrassing that the far right are better behaved than us. There’s nothing worse than a group

Yeah, hysterical reactions like yours are helping... guilty of murder ffs...

Careful dear, your bias is showing.

But they aren’t vulnerable. Not really. China would turn on NK if they tried to invade, though I suspect they will defend NK when your asshole president attacks.
The US is the worlds biggest aggressor and looks like your dickhead of a president is starting to like the adulation he gets when he bombs the shit out of

Seen a few articles about this now and I have to say, going just from the responses from the women, I can see why guys would rather have a relationship with a robot. Sheesh.
I mean, come on. Women have had dildos and all manner of vibrating toys for a long time. If someone wants to choose self pleasure over the hassle

Do you not think that your attitude helps them though? Especially when exercised on a grand scale.
There’s a lot of the progressive left sticking their fingers in their ears and singing “la la la” rather than engaging with people with different views.
It’s that kind of attitude that let the right wing prevail.