Not the end of the world people!

It really won’t. They think Brexit is a financial disaster? Wait till they are out in the cold, with no subsidy from the rest of the UK and no access to the EU until they’ve completed the application process.
The last time they voted for independence, they thought they were sitting on a veritable fortune in oil...

Typical American arrogance. It’s this sort of attitude that has led to US aggression across the world and caused this whole shit show we have at the moment.

Never understood the fascination with it. Let’s be fair, it stinks and if you need to use something to get you through your day then you have bigger issues that need addressing.
It’s just another pathetic way to escape like alcoholism. These ‘pro-weed’ sites and people are just ridiculous. Fine, you smoke weed, but

The comments she makes btl just reveal her arrogant dismissal of all the people who bother to read her crap. I know that I personally will happily avoid any article with her name attached now. I’m sure others will do the same.

Dreadlocks have been worn by pretty much every culture. When you don’t have ready access to a barber, wearing your hair like that is a matter of convenience. Gauls, Egyptians, Mesopotamians and many more all wore dreadlocks. Arguing than anyone other than a black person isn’t allowed to wear them without it being

Arrogant of her.

How incredibly rude of you. Either join the discussion properly or stay out of the comment threads and really, don’t be dismissive of people who choose to visit the site that pays you to put your (usually) badly written crap up there.

In a country other than America, there might be a chance of someone genuinely pushing that idea. But the US is way too hung up on race for it ever to go well.

People in other countries darken or lighten their skin as they choose. No one says “hold on chum, you can’t lighten your skin and pretend to be a white person.”

Come on now, with logic like that you’ll spoil all the io9 outrage articles we’ll get to enjoy until the film comes out and they can see they were wrong.

Because most people came to places like this that had a hate-on for it and said “It wasn’t great, but wasn’t the terrible soul crushing crap fest that you made it out to be,” and places like this realised they had to stfu if they wanted people to pay attention to their reviews.
Put simply, they were wrong. They tried

When the alt-right start using the same tactics as the left to no platform and stop people speaking, this place will be up in arms about the constitutional rights of people to be able to speak. Getting sick of this hypocrisy. The left needs to stop being worse than the alt-fucking-right at this point if the world is

Because the liberal left at the university would riot and hurt people again. That’s not how you deal with this at all and its a sad state of affairs when the far right are looking like the good guys because they let other groups speak.

I have to disagree here. She was invited to speak by a group, other groups would kick up a stink and ‘protest’ to the point where there would be, once again, fighting and rioting.
It certainly seems that if you are in the ‘approved’ group of people, you can come and talk. If you aren’t on their list, then, no. You

No platforming, ‘protests’ that are just riots and threats of violence to speakers they don’t like and the people who would like to listen to them.... and these people have the gall to call Trump supporters fascists.
Someone needs to tell the lefties that they can’t beat Trump and the alt-right by being full blown

You’re joking. This election will cement Theresa May as UK leader and ensure their is no opposition party to speak of while crushing the SNP and destroying any hopes of them getting an independence referendum.
She made a really smart move. Her party has a great lead, Labour - the opposition - with Corbyn are beyond

Nothing about the black man who shouted Allahu Akbar while killing three white men? It’s in all the legitimate news media, wonder why you aren’t covering it.

You get labelled Troll, Racist, Fascist and every other ‘ist’ just for offering a different opinion on this site and many other feminist and leftist sites. It’s why people can’t take them seriously anymore.

The hypocrisy is ridiculous on this site these days.

This is what I don’t get. These ICE guys are doing their jobs upholding the law and being called fascist for it. The law that said they were undocumented migrants and therefore in the country illegally, was in place well before Trump, yet he’s in the wrong for ensuring the law is upheld.

Not American, so I admit to being a little confused with this. These undocumented workers are in the country illegally aren’t they? So aren’t these ICE people doing their jobs or are they only supposed to deport illegal aliens who commit crimes other than being in the country illegally?