Not the end of the world people!

Aw, bless that lawyer for thinking anyone will survive Trumps reign.... or even this year.

Fuck it. At this point, I’m happy knowing I live next to a likely nuclear strike target. As things progress, I will drink some booze happy in the knowledge I will be spared trying to survive a nuclear winter.

This is the problem. He authorised bombing Syria and people cheered him on. What happens next? he unleashes the fucking MOAB. It’s escalating each time because he is being seen as big and fucking powerful and he loves that. Unless someone stops him, he will unleash war on the rest of the world.

Jeez, when will you Americans elect someone who actually wants to concentrate on your own fucking country instead of starting wars! The rest of the world is sick of US aggression and even your allies are giving you side eye. Give it a rest, impeach or overthrow this idiot you have as leader and elect someone sane for

The only time a trans-person should ever reveal they are trans is when they start dating someone. That’s kind of a big thing your potential partner needs to go straight off.
For any other aspect of your life, what the hell does it matter to anyone?

No spoilers, but pay attention to the warnings before the episodes start from episode 8 onwards. I love the dark stuff but it was effecting to me and i can’t imagine what it would trigger in others.

Just finished watching that and my eldest daughter is on episode 5. I text her to warn her that from episode 8 it gets brutal! Those warnings before the episode are needed.
Man, that was a great show.

There’ll be less over three days than over the months or whatever a season usually represents. It will be forced angst and drama. I think I’m done with it now.

Loved the first season, stuck with the rest. Piper just gets worse, every single season and I just can’t like her at all. Every episode I was hoping she’d get offed.

Not a fan of everything happening in real time. It’s three days, which will mean three days of the ‘riot’ gnashing of teeth, arguments, drama for the

I honestly have no idea why people pay any attention to Jenner. This is the person that killed someone in a car accident, yet was powerful and rich enough to get it swept under the rug and no one even bothers to mention it anymore. That’s not justice.

Yeah because women only have sex to please men. Not like we enjoy it at all is it?

Meh!, we’ll kill em off and not elect them to office like you guys do.

Yet another allegation from decades ago where it will pretty much amount to he said, (s)he said and at a convenient time for the mans political opponents.
This does nothing to help rape victims who already face doubt whenever they step forward for a rape that happened the night before.

Would be interesting to know why they consider these nusiance calls rather than overreacting. Looking at you Jezebel comments section.
This one example is not great, but how many calls do they get from drunken men and women who’ve had an argument, every time they have a few drinks? How many calls do they get where one

Ah America, reminding the world that you can be the biggest bully around. Good job you banned all those refugees from coming to your shores, y’know, because you’re gonna make so many more to flood into Europe. Thanks for that, it’s not like out infrastructure is already ready to collapse under the weight of it at all.

Problem is you can’t just keep trotting out sexism, racism or whatever else. Sometimes you have to look at yourself and wonder what you did wrong. In her case, there was a lot of trouble with the truth. Look at the long period she was absent from being on the election trail. It was everything’s fine, she’s fine

It would lead to more complaining. Any time a white, straight, male won anything, there would be an outcry about diversity and cis privilege. Same as when anyone not a straight white guy won, it would be immediately classed as a diversity pick, ticking a box and therefore worthless.

I do love Billions more than a little. In part, because in the first season when some random woman made a pass at Axe, he said ‘nope, i’m married and not interested in anyone else.’ I love the fact that they have a character who, while rich and powerful, has an honest to god partnership with his wife and there’s

But surely that is what is wanted. For people to look at an ad and take it at face value instead of turning everything into another reason to be offended.
White is purity... fine, not the greatest tag line but the colour white is seen as pure. It’s a total lack of any other colour in most peoples minds so it is as

I agree with much of what you said, especially about the crossovers. But at the same time, you’ve mentioned several characters that are wearing someone elses name and costume. That puts a lot of people off too.
Spider-man is one of my favourites, but Spider-man is Peter Parker. When they changed him to Miles.... I