Not the end of the world people!

You should remove that sarcasm tag after reading the lazy ass stereotyping in this comments section against men. Sexist is the best word to describe some of the people here and I’m getting a little sick of it.
These days its very much us feminists saying “we want equality, but not with those icky boys who are so

That is so way off and prejudiced its unbelievable. That sort of lazy stereotyping is why people get pissed with feminists like those here.

I keep repeating this to people. Steve Rogers is Captain America, Tony Stark is Iron Man, Thor is Thor, Bruce Banner is Hulk, Peter Parker is Spider-man. Make as many new characters as you like, but if you replace any of those with someone else, people will stop reading.
They’ve spent years loving those characters and

Looking at the comments and the article, its just free reign to attack white males again. Which is getting kind of old these days. Time commentors here realised that white males aren’t universally evil and men and women the world over can be and are, assholes.

Some of those characters just weren’t that good. It’s less about the gender or race of the character and more about lazy writing. The stories just haven’t been great, there’s been oodles of crossovers/special events that require you buy more comics to be able to read the full story and you just get reader fatigue.

Wow, how insulting can you actually be? How can you demand equality when you are so insulting to others?

No, it’s not that at all and it’s incredibly insulting of you to phrase it like you did. That does no one any favours.
People get upset when their favourite characters are replaced and that the writing has become lazy. If someone loves Iron Man, they see Tony Stark as him. If you replace Iron Man with a teen girl,

Because men don’t have the physical effect of having a baby grow inside of them. A pregnancy is an abstract thing. It’s a case of, fuck it, there’s a good chance she won’t get pregnant because it can take months of trying for some people to get it to catch. I’ll take my chances.
So men don’t give a fuck.

The problem is always going to be that if someone says they have used the contraceptive spray/pill/injection and they haven’t, then it’s the woman who gets pregnant.
This is generally why the burden is on women. How many of us would believe the guy who says he has taken the pill/spray/whatever? If its a random hookup,

In the event of a nuclear attack, I am close enough to a likely target that I will be spared having to survive just to slowly die from radiation sickness of starvation... and lets be fair, after a nuclear strike, those will be the best options for the survivors. Any first strike will lead to all out war which will end

The character on screen has to at least, in part, resemble the character in the comics. Why? Because, the people who read and love the comic book character might get pissed that the char they love, isn’t the one they see on screen and not go to see it.
Changing a characters race is seen as appeasement, PC, SJW

Surely its more about monetizing it. If you take a comic book character and change that character too much, then you lose a heck of a lot of people willing to pay money for the character they love.

Glasgow has the lowest life expectancy than any other city in the UK. Independence is the least of their problems.

If the entire UK voted for Scottish referendum, it would most likely actually get it. There’s a great deal of feeling in England for the Scottish people to get it and see what happens. When you’re struggling to pay your bills and then have to pay for prescriptions, while paying for your kids to go to university, it’s

I hate having to constantly repeat this. For a tiny subsection of the UK, immigration was an issue. For many others, it wasn’t about that. The media jumped on the immigration issue to gleefully call people who voted leave, racists. It’s really not about that.

Couldn’t agree more with you. The people who are holding the EU up as some shining example of peace and prosperity are deluding themselves. The EU has changed into something quite unpleasant and their behaviour so far about the brexit situation is a telling example of how unpleasant it can be.

I have a number of issues with the SNP and their horrendous leader. Not least of which was her stamping her feet and trying to demand she have her way just as the negotiations for leaving the EU would begin. As if, the UK as a whole getting the best exit they could, was of less import than her having her say.

The worst rhetoric at the moment from the EU leaders is making them look closer to a dictatorship than anything else. They will hurt us for having the temerity to want to leave. They will make an example to make sure no one else wants to leave. That’s not an organisation of equals.

It’s closer to when your business partner wakes up one morning to find out that you’ve linked, not only your business life, but every other aspect of your life with theirs and taken more and more control.
I know a lot of people will scream about ‘little Englanders’ ‘Racists’ ‘Immigration’ and so on, ad nauseum. The

Theresa May is doing a great job of actually moving it forward. If they wanted to drag it out, they wouldn’t have triggered it yet.