Not the end of the world people!

Realistically only one sperm will ever get to fertilize the egg, so at best, everytime you masturbate it’s only one sperm you should worry about. Personally, if anyone wants to come along and sort through a dollop of the sticky stuff and point out which one would have fertilized the egg, I would welcome the charge.

Yeah look how well that turned out last time. You ended up with Trump as president. Good job.

Why a colonoscopy? What is the female equivalent?

Wow... America is going full on dystopian nightmare isn’t it? Getting harder to hide what a nasty little shit hole it is these days.

Well yeah, it’s not as important as Trump’s belief that he was wire tapped. It’s only a brown person after all...

Y’know, I could kinda understand the reasoning if it was a muslim they shot. It wouldn’t be right, but I can see why they would do it with all the anti-muslim crap online.
Sikhs though, they’ve done nothing but go about their business peacefully. God these dumbass racists are stupid as fuck.

Nope. They taste delicious.

In some cases, where both parties are equally drunk, then its a definite grey area. If she is too drunk to be aware of whats going on, then surely, so is he.
In this case however, fuck that rapist prick. I don’t care whether she gave consent or not when concious, the moment she passed out, consent was gone.

I would sincerely hope that the people who believe this garbage are the ones who don’t breed, thus removing their stupidity from the gene pool.

I would sincerely hope that the people who believe this garbage are the ones who don’t breed, thus removing their stupidity from the gene pool.

Pff your racist ass country let a black man win once, but no way will they let a woman, let alone a black woman win the race.
It’s sad to say that the rest of the world is hoping that when you start building the wall you just keep on going until your whole country is surrounded and the rest of us are safe for awhile.

I love how you present your outrage by body shaming those “fat hicks.” This is the sort of hypocrisy that leads to people moving to the right.

It’s the same with Brexit at the moment. The ones who voted remain can’t fathom that calling the 17 million people who voted to leave the EU, racist, stupid, uninformed, far right and so on, is not going to help them change any minds. It just shows utter contempt for the people and makes you look like an ass.

“But it’d be great if heterosexual men would talk to each other about this”

As someone who knows a man who was accused of raping his child by his legit bat shit insane wife, who he wanted to divorce. He filed for divorce, she accused him the next day. He was taken in for questioning, lost access to his child for more than a year and then only got supervised visits, all his computers were

You have to admit he’s putting in some effort to keep at this. I don’t put that much effort into my paid work let alone trolling people.

When the world is watching and you have an orange coloured narcissist on one side who believes even protests are actually adoration, and a sane politician on the other side.. what will happen when the orange one drops a load of people at the border and says, “You take em or let em rot in the desert.”
Mexico will bow

Really! What sort of return would we get on that? Just asking for a friend...

When the idiots were rioting at Berkley or wherever, I said, let him speak and he will soon say something that will destroy any credibility he has even with his fans.
Lo and behold, the prick says things that make even the most hardcore alt-right nut hold up there hands and say “whoah now!”
No platforming doesnt work.

Yeah, how foolish of him to assume the people he pays to do a job would actually turn up for work.
I’m sorry but I can’t get behind this. If they were protesting their employer then fine, I could see that. But when you leave colleagues and employer in the lurch, you have to realise that there will be consequences.