Not the end of the world people!

But why should he? He employs people for a purpose. They don’t come in, why should he have to do anything to apologise for that? Call his customers and say the work won’t be done because some employees didnt turn up. That will cost him business in the long term.
They likely have a clause in their employee contract

But why should his business lose out so they can protest? If they get leave approved then go for it, more power to em. If they just say they aren’t going in, then I have to side with the business. They have customers, other employees who will have to take up the slack to cover the absentees.

Like we didn’t expect this? I mean, to be honest, I expected more to be fired. If you skip work to protest the government or president, then you are going to lose your job. Why should the company take the hit by not being able to complete work they are paid for because their employees aren’t there?

There’s so much hysteria about Trump at the moment. I’m all for blaming him for stuff he does, but trying to say that he is doing shit differently than the other presidents before him when he clearly isn’t, and then calling him out on it, is just wrong. It weakens any real arguments against him

I read articles like this and have to wonder, what would the response have been if it was Clinton in the motorcade. Would the outrage have been there? Would the SS (very apt abbreviation now with Trump dictator to be) have responded in the same way? Would they take any potential threat to the president seriously?

I’m sure somewhere in the Republican offices is a set of scales where they balance his insanity with the stuff they want him to sign off on. As soon as insane outweighs benefit to them, they will consider getting rid of him... though that will depend on whether the radiation will have settled by then of course.

Does your president get all his news from facebook and twitter? I swear, he is spouting the same crap that I see regurgitated on FB all the time. The sort of nonsense that is easily checked (but never is) and is the sort of stuff that people reach for to shore up their own beliefs.

Nope. You can’t go back several hundred years and compare it to now. If you want to do that then lets talk about the Romans invading and settling in Britain, the Vikings raping, pillaging and settling, the fucking Phonecians got everywhere back in the day. Where does it end? The laws of the US were not valid back then

I didnt say breaking in. I said walking in. If the door is open and someone walks in then its not breaking and entering, its trespassing.

Not at all. The laws of your country, any country, protect you from people wandering in to your house and setting up camp. If someone did this, they would be doing so illegally and you would call the police.
You cannot demand the removal of a person from your home because they are there illegally and then turn around

They are people who are in the country illegally. If you believe they have a right to stay, when you get some random person walking into your house and deciding to live there, I seriously hope you don’t call the police.

Really? What other laws do you choose not to believe are not valid? Whether you believe that nonsense or not, a country, a civilization is based on laws that work to keep people safe. The laws of your country, state that someone walking in from another country and stays, lives and works without the proper

Because people don’t believe all lives matter. Which is what I just said. If people believed that all lives actually mattered, then BLM wouldn’t be needed.

Pff, the religious folk pray to their god to help others so they don’t actually have to do anything themselves. They will pray the world won’t end and pat themselves on the back for doing some good.

I’d rather be a humanist than any of the other choices.

What the hell do you have against the LGBTQ community? Why impose this on them you monster.

Breitbart puts a ridiculous slant to anything they write. Anyone who reads an actual credible newsource and then the same story in Breitbart can’t fail to see it. If this campaign encourages people to not take that nonsense at face value then I’m all for it.

What is wrong with your government? Jeez, how hard is it to understand that if you put high importance on educating your kids, the country will be the better for it?
I know it’s not great here in the UK, but its miles better than the US.

You can mock but there wouldn’t be a need for black lives matter, blue lives matter or any other, if people realised all lives matter. BLM is needed because people don’t grasp that simple fact.

She really isnt though and in a big ole popularity contest like the US elections, that’s whats needed.